【Animal Modeling】-SPF Bama miniature pig breeding and application

  Miniature pigs have greater similarities with humans in terms of body shape, size, physiology and disease development. They are ideal experimental animal models. They are exploring the laws of human life activities and studying the pathogenic mechanisms of human diseases. Treatment, prevention, and drug screening And so on have shown unique advantages. The United States started the breeding and development of miniature pigs in the early 1950s. my country's research on miniature pigs began in the early 1980s. Although it started late, the original resources of miniature pigs in my country are very rich. At present, the main breeds of miniature pigs in China are : Wuzhishan miniature pigs, Guizhou miniature pigs, Tibetan pigs Banna miniature pigs, Guangxi Bama miniature pigs, etc. Among them, Guangxi Bama miniature pigs have most of the advantages of other domestic miniature pigs. my country currently lacks pathogenic microbiology and parasitology quality control, SPF pig populations with a clear genetic background, and lack of quality control standards. Bama miniature pigs are taxonomically the same as common domestic pigs and belong to Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Wild boar, and Porcine. Due to its short size, early sexual maturity, stable genetics, strong reproductive performance, gentle temperament, and some physiological and biochemical indicators similar to humans, miniature pigs are easy to operate and suitable for the establishment of experimental animal models. As experimental animals, Bama miniature pigs play an important role in the production of pig-derived bioactive materials for human use and embryo transfer. The experimental Bama miniature pigs are expected to replace monkeys and dogs as new experimental animals that are used in large numbers. Microbiology quality control is one of the important contents of laboratory animal standardization. Microbial infection of laboratory animals can interfere with test results to varying degrees, contaminate test materials, affect laboratory animal production, and even threaten human health. The microbiological quality of Bama minipigs limits its promotion and application to a certain extent, and it is imminent to cultivate the basic group and core group of SPF Bama minipigs.

  Therefore, this project has carried out research on the breeding and application of SPF Bama mini-pigs to solve the bottleneck problem of experimental pigs, improve my country's ability to prevent and control animal diseases, and realize the sharing and utilization of germplasm resources.