【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of Dugesia ZB-1 asexual reproduction line of Dugesia japonica

  Purpose: To establish a pure strain of Dugesia japonica from my country.

  Method: Dugesia japonica is collected in the field, and then cut and damaged in the laboratory to regenerate. Through continuous cutting and culture, a pure strain of Dugesia japonica is established.

  Result: After tens of thousands of experiments in 10 years, the Dugesia japonicum from Zibo, Shandong was cultivated into a single-cut asexual reproduction pure strain Dugesia ZB-1 that grows steadily under controlled conditions in the laboratory.

  Conclusion: The establishment of Dugesia ZB-1 has laid a solid foundation for carrying out follow-up experiments, promoting the progress of my country's planarian research and participating in the international planarian research competition.