[Animal Modeling]-Evaluation of the results of laboratory testing ability verification of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus antibodies

  Purpose: Through the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus antibody testing capability verification program, understand the testing capabilities of laboratory animal testing institutions and improve the quality of laboratory animal testing.

  Method: According to the proficiency testing program approved by CNAS, samples are prepared by screening serum, and they are qualified as proficiency testing samples after passing stability and uniformity inspections. Use random numbers, send samples to participating units, and attach work instructions. Submit the inspection report and copy of the original record within the specified time limit. If the result is consistent with the sample pre-inspection result, it will be considered as a satisfactory result, and if the result is inconsistent or failing to submit the result, it will be considered as an unsatisfactory result.

  Results: 20 laboratories from 14 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions signed up to participate in the comparison experiment, and they all reported the test results within the specified time. The test results of 17 laboratories were qualified or excellent, accounting for 85 of the participating laboratories. %. Among the 20 laboratories, 14 laboratories adopted the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, and 6 laboratories adopted the hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI) method.

  Conclusion: The overall detection ability of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus antibodies in all laboratory animal testing institutions across the country is relatively high, and the implementation of the proficiency testing program can reflect the testing level of the laboratory.