【Animal Modeling】-Effect of repeated cold-heat stimulation on the immune barrier function of nasal mucosa in rats and the effect of TCM formula

  Objective To investigate the effect of repeated cold-heat stimulation on the immune barrier function of nasal mucosa in rats, and to investigate the effects of Mahuang Decoction and Yinqiao Powder, which are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.

  Methods SD rats were placed at -15°C for 1 h, then transferred to 25°C for 30 min, and stimulated alternately with cold and heat for 4 times. The contents of lysozyme, sIgA and PGE2 in the lotion, and the contents of inflammatory factors in serum; on the 9th day after cold-heat stimulation, the same conditional stimulation was given again, and the dynamic changes of IgA protein in the nasal mucosa were detected 1-11 days after the last stimulation respectively. , the dynamic changes of lysozyme and PGE2 in nasal lavage fluid, the dynamic changes of inflammatory factors in serum, and the content of sIgA in nasal lavage fluid after re-stimulation for 1 day; Yinqiaosan 33.48 g crude drug/kg BW decoction was used to intervene two rounds of cold-heat stimulation in rats, and the corresponding indexes were detected after the second round of cold-heat stimulation for 24 hours.

  Results After repeated cold-heat stimulation, the expression of IgA protein in the nasal mucosa of rats decreased significantly at 1 and 3 days after stimulation, then increased gradually, and returned to normal at 7 days after stimulation; sIgA significantly decreased at 1 day after stimulation, and no lysozyme and inflammatory factors were found. obvious change. When rats were stimulated by cold and heat again, the expression of IgA protein in nasal mucosa was significantly decreased, the contents of lysozyme and PGE2 in nasal lavage fluid were significantly decreased; the contents of TNF-α, PGE2, IL-1β and IL-6 in serum were significantly decreased. significantly increased. After the intervention of Mahuang Decoction and Yinqiao Powder, both can increase IgA protein expression in nasal mucosa and sIgA content in nasal lavage fluid of rats, Yinqiao Powder can also increase lysozyme content, reduce serum TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, TNF-α, α, α, β, α, α IL-1β content.

  Conclusion Repeated cold-heat stimulation can lead to the decline of the immune barrier function of nasal mucosa in rats, and the increase of the release of various inflammatory factors or inflammatory mediators in serum. Mahuang Tang and Yinqiao Powder can both improve the immune barrier function of nasal mucosa in rats, and Mahuang Tang increases IgA The effect of content is more obvious, and the effect of Yinqiao Powder to reduce inflammatory factors is more obvious.