How to prepare an animal model of drug-induced depression?

  1. The antagonistic effect of drugs

  1. Reserpine antagonism This is the earliest animal model for antidepressant research established since it was discovered that monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants can counteract abnormal animal behaviors caused by reserpine. Preliminary screening of antidepressant drugs with pharmacological effects.

  2. The antagonism of high-dose apomorphine. This model reflects the effect of the drug on norepinephrine (NA) reuptake or NA transmission, and can be used to screen to inhibit NA reuptake or activate α1-adrenergic receptors and β2-adrenal glands Receptor antidepressants are currently only used for preliminary screening of antidepressants. And rarely used alone.

  Two, drug induction

  "1.5-Hydroxytryptophan-induced head shaking behavior The role of antidepressants is that they improve central NA and (or) serotonin (5-HT) function. Some antidepressants can enhance the effect of 5-HT by blocking the reuptake of 5-HT. Serotonin is the precursor of 5-HT. Administration of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) can inhibit metabolism, and administration of antidepressants can enhance its typical symptoms-head shaking behavior. This model is often used to research and screen antidepressants that act on the central 5-HT or NA system.

  2. Clomipramine-induced model animal application clomipramine can cause behavioral defects and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep abnormalities after adulthood, and male rats' sexual behavior decreases. Studies have confirmed that 5-HT in the brain of this model animal Abnormal conduction in the energy system and the noradrenergic system can be used in the study of the hypothesis of the monoamine transmitter in depression.

  3. Ouabain-induced bipolar depression and mania are all related to the decrease in the activity of the Na+-K+-ATPase membrane ion pump. The Na+-K+ -ATPase inhibitor ouabain can induce depressive behavioral changes in SD rats , This model can be used in the study of bipolar depression.

  Three, other effects of drugs

  1. Mouse Yohimbine Enhancement Model In the case of simultaneous application of antidepressants that inhibit NA inactivation or NA reuptake and yohimbine, it can enhance the lethal effect of yohimbine on mice. This model is mainly used to observe antidepressants that inhibit NA reuptake.

  2. Glucocorticoid model Continuous injection of glucocorticoids in rats resulted in weight loss. Found through FST testing. The immobile time was significantly increased and the swimming time was decreased, but the incubation period of struggling time and immobile time was not changed, and there were no anxiety-like and depression-like behavior characteristics in the open field test. The model is still based on the theory of stress, by artificially increasing the body's glucocorticoid levels. The biological changes induced by simulated behaviors greatly shorten the biological links of modeling, and thus shorten the modeling cycle. This model may become a new and effective animal model of depression.