How to prepare an orphan or separate animal model of depression?

  1. Primate separation model

  Some primates or non-primates will have characteristic performances such as agitation, sleep disturbance and wailing after the separation of their offspring. The content of neuropeptides in the brains of pups is significantly reduced, which can easily cause emotional changes and produce some of the main symptoms of depression. In the following 1-2d, there will be active or passive physical reactions. This model is only used as a preliminary screen for some antidepressants.

  2. Orphan chicken animal model

  Chicks are used to living in groups. When the chicks living in groups are fed individually, the chicks will feel lonely, and then they will often whine. This call can be considered a major symptom of depression. When antidepressants are given, the wailing symptoms can be significantly reduced. This model is often used for preliminary screening of antidepressants.

  3. The separation of male and female paired hamsters and the orphaning of social rats and other animal models

  These animal models also show some symptoms of depression, such as decreased voluntary activity. For example, if juvenile rats are separated from their mothers before weaning, and after 10-12 months of isolation and feeding, compared with group-fed rats, these isolated rats have generally increased activities and other behavioral changes such as killing rats Behavior etc. Since the excessive activity of isolated rats can be selectively resisted by various antidepressants, it can be regarded as an ideal animal model for screening antidepressants, but the experimental period is long and it is difficult to be widely used.