How to prepare the animal model of rotation and tremor?

  1. The model of rabbit nystagmus induced by horizontal rotation

  1. Modeling materials Animal: rabbit; equipment: rabbit box, JKY-11 electric swivel chair, Rm-6000 eight-channel physiological recorder.

  2. Modeling method Put the awake rabbit in a rabbit box. After being quiet, place the rabbit box on the JKY-11 electric swivel chair. Use two No. 5 stainless steel acupuncture needles to insert into the rabbit’s left eye inner and outer canthus for approximately Subcutaneous at 0.5cm, the depth of needle insertion is about 0.5~1.0cm as the guide electrode. The nystagmus signal is input into the physiological recorder through the guiding electrode, monitored by the oscilloscope, and the nystagmus waveform is traced by the pen and recorded on the tape for backup. Fix the head of the rabbit so that the line between the inner and outer canthus of the eyes and the horizon is approximately 30°, so that the horizontal semicircular canal is stimulated the most when the angular acceleration moves. Blindfolded, after standing for 15 minutes, start the electric swivel chair.

  3. Modeling principle Horizontal rotation causes rabbit nystagmus.

  4. Changes after modeling. The angular acceleration of the electric swivel chair is 15°/s2, the acceleration time is 8s, and the peak angular velocity is 120°/s. The rabbit has rotational nystagmus. Rotate at a constant speed for 52s, stop (stop within 0.5s), and the rabbit will have post-rotation nystagmus.

  2. Spontaneous nystagmus model after damage to one side of the labyrinth

  1. Modeling materials Animals: rabbits; drugs: pentobarbital, alcohol; instruments: operating microscope, LMS-2B two-channel physiological recorder.

  2. Modeling method The experimental animals were anesthetized with 0.12mol/L pentobarbital (30mg/kg) ear margin injection, an incision was made at the back of one ear root attachment, and the skin was cut until the periosteum, and the bony external auditory canal and tympanic membrane were separated and exposed , Cut the tympanic membrane to expose the middle ear cavity. The round window membrane and stapes are visible under the operating microscope, and the stapes is removed. Extend into the oval window, destroy and remove the balloon, utricle, etc., and absorb the membranous fragments. Use a microscope curette and a miniature electric drill to enlarge the oval window, extend into the vestibule with a right-angled crochet, and turn the crochet to destroy the upper, lower, and outer And the epithelium of the ampulla of the posterior semicircular canal, followed by repeated washing of the inner ear with 95% (V/V) alcohol, in order to completely destroy the labyrinthine receptors. At this time, it can be seen that the rabbit has persistent and obvious nystagmus, the affected side is forward, the healthy side is trembling back, and the head is tilted to the affected side. The cavity is filled with iodoform gauze and the incision is sutured. Recording starts about 14 hours after the operation Nystagmus.

  3. Principles of Modeling: Spontaneous nystagmus in animals is caused by damage to one side of the labyrinth.

  4. Changes after modeling After surgery, rabbits can be seen to have persistent and obvious nystagmus.

  5. Precautions Strictly sterilize surgical instruments to prevent surgical infection, surgical trauma should be as small as possible, and strictly aseptic operation. Keep the animal's optimum temperature and humidity as much as possible in the breeding room.

  Three, drug-induced muscle tremor model

  (1) Arecoline induced tremor model

  1. Modeling materials Animals: mice, weighing 18-25g, or rats (weighting 180-220g); drug: arecoline.

  2. Modeling method Injecting arecoline 25mg/kg into the intraperitoneal cavity of mice, or 25mg/kg arecoline intraperitoneally in rats, which can cause high-frequency tremor (13-22 Hz).

  3. Principles of modeling Arecoline causes animal tremor.

  4. Changes after modeling The incubation period after modeling is 5 minutes, and the tremor lasts for 30 minutes. It is manifested as body tremor, arched back, vertical tail, and salivation, tearing, defecation and other parasympathetic symptoms.

  (2) Tremor model caused by tremorin and oxytremor

  1. Modeling materials Animals: adult mice; drugs: oxytremorin, tremorin.

  2. Method of Modeling Mice were intraperitoneally injected with 0.14 mg/kg of oxytremor. Or mice are injected intravenously with tremorin, the ED50 of tremorin-induced tremor is 10-20mg/kg.

  3. Principles of Modeling Tremor must be converted into oxytremor in the body before it can work, and oxytremor causes animal tremor.

  4. Changes after model building The incubation period of oxytremor after injection is 5 minutes, and the tremor lasts for about 30 minutes. After injection of tremorin, the incubation period is 5 to 10 minutes.

  (3) Nicotine-pilocarpine induced tremor model

  1. Modeling materials Animals: adult mice; drugs: pilocarpine, nicotine.

  2. Modeling method Mice were injected intraperitoneally with pilocarpine 50mg/kg, 20min later, intraperitoneal injection of nicotine 2.5mg/kg.

  3. Principles of Modeling Nicotine and pilocarpine cause animal tremor.

  4. Changes after model building: 10 minutes after nicotine injection, mixed head, body, and tail tremor may occur, occasionally accompanied by severe head shaking and receding, as well as salivation, tearing and other parasympathetic excitement.

  (4) Lisepin induced tremor model

  1. Modeling materials Animals: rats, weighing 200-300g; medicine: reserpine.

  2. Modeling method Rats were injected subcutaneously with 1 mg/kg of reserpine every day for 8-10 days.

  3. Principles of Modeling Risepin causes animal tremor.

  4. Changes after modeling After modeling, drooping eyelids, tail and limb tremor, increased tail tension, body stiffness, curved back, forelimb wrist joints bent and close to the trunk, gait abnormalities, slow movement, accompanied by hair loss, body temperature Drop etc. The above manifestations show three basic symptoms of tremor paralysis: tremor, limb stiffness and difficulty in movement.

  (5) physostigmine induced tremor model

  1. Modeling materials Animals: rats, weighing 200-300g; drugs: physostigmine.

  2. Modeling method The model rats were injected intraperitoneally with physostigmine 0.5mg/kg. The control group was injected with the same amount of saline.

  3. Principles of Modeling Poisonous physostigmine causes animal tremor.

  4. Changes after modeling After injection, the incubation period is 5 minutes, and the tremor lasts for 15 to 30 minutes.