How to prepare dengue fever virus transgenic animal model?

  (1) Replication method The gene knockout method is mainly used to make animal models.

  (2) Model characteristics The AG129 mouse is a gene knockout mouse, lacking IFN20α, β genes and IFN-γ receptor genes, and has a high sensitivity to dengue virus infection. AG129 mice were injected with DEN-2. At 7d, all the hind limbs were paralyzed and blind, and died at 12d. Due to the lack of IFN2α, β genes and IFN-γ receptor genes in the body, the interferon produced by the dengue virus inducing the body cannot function, which is of great value for the detection of dengue virus vaccine efficacy. Injecting the same dose of dengue virus into A129 (lack of IFN2α and β receptors), GKO (incapable of synthesizing INF-γ) and BALB/c mice, none of them showed symptoms of infection, only AG129 mice showed symptoms of infection It means that only mice with abnormal IFN-α, β, and γ effects are sensitive to dengue virus. AG129 mice may play a role in the study of the pathogenic mechanism of dengue virus and vaccine detection.

  (3) Comparative medicine Dengue fever virus (dengue fever virus, DFV) belongs to the Flavivirus genus, which is an RNA virus that uses mosquitoes as a transmission vector. According to the antigenicity of E protein, dengue virus can be divided into four serotypes (DEN2 1,2,3,4). It threatens the health of people living in tropical and subtropical regions. Since the natural hosts of dengue virus are only humans, mosquitoes and lower primates, and the symptoms of lower primates after infection with dengue virus are very different from those of human patients, an ideal animal model for DFV infection was established. It is of great significance for the research of DHF disease mechanism and vaccine detection.