How to prepare an animal model of Candida albicans infection with vaginitis?

  Candida albicans vaginitis is a common fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa in women of childbearing age. 85%-95% of external negative vaginitis is caused by Candida albicans in clinical practice. Candida albicans is a commensal bacteria in the vagina and intestines, and it is also a conditional pathogen. 75% of women of childbearing age have suffered from vaginitis caused by this bacterial infection at least once. What is more worthy of attention is 5% to 10% of women. For recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Clinically, women’s candidal vaginitis is often associated with the use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, pregnancy and diabetes. The animal model of Candida vaginitis has been constructed abroad for a long time. The model animals used mainly include mice and rats. Normally, the pseudoestrus state of experimental animals is a necessary condition for the replication of this model. Studies have reported that when making a rat vaginitis model, the rat’s ovaries are first removed, and then exogenous estrogens are given to cause its pseudoestrus state; in the pseudoestrus state, the amount of glycogen secretion in the vaginal mucosa of the animal increases, and the vagina The internal pH value drops, such an environment is conducive to the growth of Candida to achieve the purpose of modeling. Because of their small size, mice usually adopt subcutaneous injections of exogenous estrogen to prepare models.

  (1) Reproduction method ICR female mice aged 8-10 weeks were injected with 0.05ml oil containing 0.1mg estradiol benzoate subcutaneously in each mouse 6 days before vaccination, and once every 2 days thereafter. The isolated and purified Candida albicans strain was inoculated in a liquid medium containing 1% peptone and 0.1% glucose, and cultured with shaking in a water bath at 25°C for 16 to 18 hours to prepare a bacterial suspension with a bacterial density of 2.5×1000000 CFU/ml. 20 μl of bacterial suspension (that is, the inoculation amount of Candida albicans spores is 5×10000) was injected into the vagina of the mouse on the day of inoculation. From the 2nd day, there was a high level of Candida albicans in the vagina of the mouse. From the 4th day, more spores and pseudohyphae were seen in the smear stain of the vaginal lavage fluid of the mouse. Cluster of hyphae, and inflammatory changes dominated by neutrophils can be seen.

  (2) Features of the model This model was injected with estradiol benzoate oil to create a pseudoestrus in mice to prepare a mouse model of Candida albicans infection. As a result, the growth and reproduction of Candida in the superficial layer of vaginal mucosa appeared similar to that of vulvovaginal Candida Symptoms of sick women. This model is simple to operate, reproducible, and can reach 100% infection.

  (3) Comparative medicine Candida albicans is one of the normal flora of the human body. Under normal circumstances, Candida albicans does not cause disease. Women with diabetes or long-term use of adrenal cortex hormones and oral contraceptives are prone to Candida vaginitis. Most patients The luteal phase after menstruation worsens or recurs, when women have the highest levels of estrogen. Candida vaginitis manifests as vaginal wall hyperemia, edema, thick vaginal discharge, cheese-like, tofu-like lesions. Injection of estradiol benzoate oil to mice in pseudoestrus. After inoculation with Candida albicans, spores or mycelium clusters appeared in the vaginal cavity on the 4th day after inoculation, and continued until the end of the observation period, and a large number of them were visible in the vaginal cavity. Polymorphic granulocytes, vaginal mucosa and submucosa also see inflammatory cell infiltration dominated by polymorphic granulocytes. At the same time, the vulva of the mice was red and swollen, and there were bean dregs-like secretions in the vaginal cavity, and symptoms similar to women with vulvovaginal candidiasis appeared.