【Animal Modeling】-Discussion on the role of pathogenic microorganism prevention and control in laboratory animal facility management and biosafety control

  Biosafety management is an important part of laboratory animal facility management. With the rapid development of biomedical research in my country, the demand for animal experiments and the construction of laboratory animal facilities continues to increase. Standardizing the management of laboratory animal facilities, ensuring the safety of laboratory animal practitioners, and strengthening the construction of the laboratory animal health monitoring system are the inevitable needs for the healthy development of the industry at present.

  Pathogenic microorganism control is the core of laboratory biosafety management and an important indicator for evaluating the good operation of the laboratory and its standardized management. The potential biosafety risk of animal laboratories is greater because they involve animal experiments or pathogenic microorganism infection experiments. Pathogen control is an effective way to reduce the risk of occupational exposure and reduce laboratory-acquired infections.

  The author summarizes years of experience in laboratory animal facility management and biosafety control, analyzes the key links and precautions of biosafety control in laboratory animal facility management from the perspective of pathogenic microorganism prevention and control, and provides reference for improving laboratory animal facility management and biosafety control.