【Animal Modeling】-The mechanism of mouse germ cell-specific transcription factor SOHLH1 regulating Sox30 gene expression

  Objective: SOHLH1 and SOX30 are transcription factors related to spermatogenesis. Both Sohlh1 and Sox30 gene knockout male mice lose fertility. The DNA microarray of Sohlh1 gene knockout male mice shows that the expression of Sox30 is significantly down-regulated 7 days after birth. Transcriptional regulation of the development-related transcription factor SOHLH1 on the key gene Sox30 in the later stages of spermatogenesis.

  Methods: The Sox30 promoter luciferase expression plasmid was constructed, transiently co-transfected with the Sox30 luciferase expression plasmid and the Sohlh1 eukaryotic expression plasmid, and the fluorescence value was detected by the luciferase activity assay. The main activation sites were screened by the binding of specific sequences of Sox30 promoter DNA sequences.

  Results: The luciferase activity of the experimental group co-transfected with the Sohlh1 eukaryotic expression plasmid and the Sox30 promoter region luciferase plasmid was higher than that of the control group. SOHLH1 binds to a specific site on the Sox30 promoter, and at the -489bp site The strongest binding effect.

  Conclusion: SOHLH1, an important transcription factor in the early stage of spermatogenesis, can directly activate the transcription of the acrosome formation-related gene Sox30, and -489bp (CAGGTG) is the main specific binding site, which enriches the phenomenon of delayed translation and expression regulation in spermatogenesis and regulates the mechanism. preliminary exploration.