Diagnosis and treatment of rabbit organophosphate poisoning-【animal experiment】

  1. The purpose and requirements of this experiment

  Master the diagnostic points of organophosphate poisoning

  Familiar with the simple inspection method of organophosphate poisoning.

  Understand the detoxification principles and treatment measures of organophosphate poisoning.

  Two. Experiment content or principle

  1. Atropinum (Atropinum) anticholinergic drug

  Principle: Anticholinergic effect is produced by preventing the combination of acetylcholine and the receptor. However, the tolerance of organophosphate poisoning animals to atropine is relatively high, so it needs to use 2 (cattle) to 4 (sheep) times the conventional dose.

  2. Pyraloximi Methyl-Chloriaum (PAM-CL or 2-PAMCL) is a cholinesterase resurgent.

  Principle: It can combine with organophosphorus in phosphorylated cholinesterase to release cholinesterase and restore its activity of hydrolyzing acetylcholine; it can also directly combine with organophosphorus to excrete non-toxic substances from the body.

  3. Required instruments or reagents, etc.

  Animal: cases of organophosphate poisoning, or artificial case replication with experimental animals (pigs or rabbits).

  Equipment: measuring pupil, magnetic reaction plate, magnetic evaporating dish, mortar, separatory funnel, separatory funnel rack, centrifuge, petri dish, glass container, graduated cylinder, brown glass, glass rod, micropipette, 25ml dropper, Syringes, needles, stethoscopes, thermometers, qualitative filter paper, Xinhua filter paper, test paper, gauze, absorbent cotton, scissors, dissecting instruments, glass slides, dermatome, etc.

  Pharmaceutical reagents: chloroform, acetylcholine chloride, bromothymol blue, absolute ethanol, dried horse blood digestion, saturated bromine water, 0.4mol/L sodium hydroxide solution, dichloromethane, tartaric acid, benzene, trichloroacetic acid, none Sodium sulphate water, Florisil, acrylic, petroleum ether, distilled water, water for injection, refined trichlorfon, 0.5% atropine sulfate, pralidoxime, pralidoxime, double complex phosphate, iodine tincture cotton, alcohol cotton, etc.

  three. Experimental steps

  Diagnosis points

  (1) Epidemiological investigation

  (2) Prenatal symptoms: Mainly the overexcitement of cholinergic nerves caused by excessive acetylcholine. The following three types of symptoms occur.

  1. Muscarinic symptoms

  2. Nicotine-like symptoms

  3. Central nervous system symptoms

  (3) Organic phosphorus inspection

  1. Collection and treatment of inspection products

  2. Organic phosphorus inspection method

  (1) Enzymatic phosphorus test method

  (2) B.T.B whole blood test strip method

  (four) pathological changes

  treatment measures

  The specific methods are: ①Inject 1/3 of the 2% solution of atropine intravenously to obtain rapid effect; ②Inject 2/3 of atropine in physiological saline solution subcutaneously to obtain sustained effects; ③Inject clopidine or other choline subcutaneously Physiological saline solution of esterase resurgent. Repeat if necessary.

  1. Atropinum (Atropinum) anticholinergic drug.

  2. Pyraloximi Methy Chloriaum (PAM-CL or 2-PAMCL) is a cholinesterase resurgent.

  3. Pyraloximi Methiodidum (PAM) cholinesterase resurrecting agent.

  4. Toxogoninum (DMO-4) is also a cholinesterase resurgent.