【Animal Modeling】-Observation of some physiological indicators of rhesus monkeys using implanted telemetry technology

  Objective: To observe the circadian variation of physiological indicators such as respiration, blood pressure, ECG, and body temperature in awake rhesus monkeys with implanted telemetry technology and changes during stress.

  METHODS: Eight rhesus monkeys aged 3 to 5 years old were selected for telemetry implantation. After 3 weeks of recovery, the DSI telemetry system was used to obtain the respiration, blood pressure, and electrocardiogram of awake unrestrained rhesus monkeys for 24 hours. ? Body temperature data, use Ponemah software to analyze the above indicators and count the experimental results?

  Results: There were obvious diurnal differences in some ECG indexes of rhesus monkeys (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The diurnal mean of heart rate (HR) fluctuated between 155.0 and 122.4 beats per minute; ?I) is 410.8 ~ 535.7 ms; T wave amplitude (T?A) is 0.181 ~ 0.157 mV; PR interval (PR?I) is 80.4~87.4; QT interval (QT?I) is 224.8~263.9 ms; The corrected QT interval (QTcb) was 352.3-366.7 ms? The mean values of blood pressure and respiratory indexes in monkeys during the day were significantly higher than those at night (P < 0.01). ) was 99.8-89.9 mmHg; mean arterial pressure (MAP) was 121.5-110.2 mmHg; tidal volume (TV) was 64.5-36.6 mL; minute ventilation (MV) was 1931.9-920.1 mL/min; respiratory rate (RR) was 32.3~25.4 times per minute? Cleaning by laboratory staff? Does feeding activity have a certain stress effect on monkeys?

  Conclusion: Physiological indicators such as respiration, blood pressure, ECG, and body temperature of rhesus monkeys observed by implanted telemetry basically have obvious circadian rhythm changes. The physiological cycle characteristics of normal rhesus monkeys? The domesticated rhesus monkeys are fed by the staff in a starvation state? The stress of cleaning activities is more strongly affected? The application of implanted telemetry technology can be used to monitor the heart of rhesus monkeys in a awake and unrestrained state. Continuous monitoring of electricity, blood pressure, respiration, body temperature, etc., can truly reflect the changes of the above physiological indicators in rhesus monkeys within 24 hours, and provide a reference for the application of rhesus monkeys in pharmacology and toxicology research. At the same time, implant telemetry technology is applied , help to improve the efficiency of drug safety pharmacology research, reduce the number of animals used, in line with the 3R principle?