【Animal Modeling】-Analysis of Transcriptional Levels of CMAH Gene in Different Tissues of Mice

  Objective: The sialic acid and its derivatives contained in mammalian cells mainly include N-acetylneuraminic acid, N-glycolylneuraminic acid and deaminated neuraminic acid. The synthesis of Neu5Gc under the catalysis of acid hydroxylase? In this study, the relative fluorescence quantitative PCR method was used to detect the transcription level of CMAH gene in different tissues of BALB/c mice, and to provide a reference for further analysis of the differences in the content of Neu5Gc in different tissues?

  Methods: The CMAH gene mRNA sequence was searched in the NCBI database and specific primers were designed, mouse β-actin was selected as the internal reference gene, and the relative fluorescence quantitative PCR method was used to detect the CMAH gene mRNA transcription in nine tissues of normal BALB/c mice.

  Results: Among the 9 different mouse tissues, the highest level of CMAH mRNA transcription in liver tissue was 2.46 times that of spleen, 3.17 times that of kidney, 5.14 times that of trachea, 11.70 times that of lung, and 21.12 times that of myocardium. 31.37 times that of skeletal muscle? 66.90 times that of small intestine and 1055.99 times that of brain tissue?

  Conclusion: This study confirms that the CMAH gene in BALB/c mice is transcribed in a variety of tissues and has great differences?