How to operate the paraffin section of experimental mouse liver tissue?

  When fresh liver is taken, formaldehyde should be perfused. Formaldehyde can fix general tissues, but dissolve glycogen and pigment.

  1. The material must be fresh. If it is left for too long, the protein will be decomposed and denatured, which will lead to autolysis of cells and the growth of bacteria, which cannot reflect the morphological structure of the tissue in vivo.

  2. There are many types of fixatives, and their effects on the degree of hardening and contraction of tissues and the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other substances in the tissues are different. For example, pure alcohol can fix glycogen and dissolve fat, while formaldehyde can fix general tissues but dissolve glycogen and pigment. The fixative can be divided into single fixative and mixed fixative. The former include formaldehyde (formaldehyde, formalin), alcohol, acetic acid or glacial acetic acid, mercury, osmic acid (osmium tetroxide), potassium dichromate and picric acid, etc. A single fixative solution cannot fix all components in cells ; Mixed fixatives can complement deficiencies. Commonly used mixed fixatives include Bouin's solution, Zenker's solution, FAA solution, Carnoy's solution, SuSa solution (see related technical books for the recipe).

  Mouse liver tissue paraffin section operation process:

  1. Take material

  2. Fixed

  3. Washing and dehydration

  4. Transparent

  5. Waxing and embedding

  6. Slice

  7. Patches and baked pieces

  8. Section dewaxing and hydration

  9. Dyeing

  10. Slice dehydration, transparency and mounting

  The sharpness of the slicing knife and the proper hardness of the wax block directly affect the quality of the slice. Hot or cold water can be used to appropriately change the hardness of the wax block. The thickness of the slice is usually 4-7 microns. Cut out the wax strips one by one, and place them gently on the paper with a brush.