What are 26 good habits to develop in an animal laboratory?

  1. Think before conducting animal experiments, don’t rush to do it, clarify the nature and purpose of the experiment, design the experimental plan, play the entire experimental process in your head, try to be successful once, learn the spirit of the Americans, and do your best Do everything you can do this time, don’t think that you can’t do it this time and do it again, so you will never be able to do the experiment well;

  2. Design a form in advance for initial experiments or more complicated ones. Tick each step to indicate completion. At the same time, record the situation. At the end of the stage, go back and check if there is any error;

  3. Don't think about other things when doing experiments, don't do experiments when you think about other things!

  4. Discuss and exchange more with you. Many things are often inspired during the discussion. At the same time, pay more attention to the experience of others. This is almost the fastest way to improve!

  5. Pay attention to the safety of others, yourself and the laboratory!

  6. Unite the experimental colleagues around, because they succeed and fail them. This is the key to successful completion. After all, good interpersonal relationships and environment are comfortable;

  7. Don't use other people's things easily, say hello when you use them;

  8. Do not chat with the crowd during the experiment to avoid pollution;

  9. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Every time the experiment is over, make a record in time and don't delay;

  10. The day's affairs are finished on the same day;

  11. It is best to prepare the reagents by yourself, and keep the reagents you use separately, record the batch number of the reagents, etc. The first time you use the new and public reagents, you need to perform quality inspection, and indicate the time and who prepared it. Everyone in the room should have a one-letter acronym;

  12. Before adding the reagent, mix it well to avoid uneven concentration after a long time;

  13. Everything must be marked with the date, name, concentration, etc. immediately;

  14. How to handle and put the items classified and placed, and how to do it according to the rules of operation, can not play;

  15. Be sure to make a mark on the EP tube and write the date. You can add a piece of label paper for important things. Repeated freezing and thawing in the refrigerator will make the handwriting blurred. You can use scotch tape to stick outside the words. There should be detailed records in the logbook;

  16. Wear gloves when you touch the source of pollution, take them off when you leave, don't run around the world with gloves, absolutely avoid cross contamination;

  17. Do not hold smooth glassware with wet hands to avoid slipping off! When taking a lidded utensil, do not grasp the lid to avoid falling off!

  18. Dispose of rubbish in time and tidy up the desktop, etc., arrange time reasonably to improve the efficiency of the experiment, and be good at making time difference, for example: you can tidy up the desktop when you centrifuge;

  19. Take the tip off the pipette immediately after aspirating, so as not to pick up another reagent when busy;

  20. After the pipette is used up, it should be returned to the largest measurement position to prevent the spring from losing its elasticity over time;

  21. When using a pipette, be sure to aspirate gently, especially a large range of pipettes, so as not to suck into the pipette, which will easily corrode the pipette and easily contaminate future experiments;

  22. After the used petri dishes or beakers, clean them in time and put them into the oven (note that instruments with specific scales such as volumetric flasks and graduated cylinders are best not to be baked, which will affect the precision of the instrument), and close the oven in time (leave the experiment) room);

  23. Before leaving the laboratory or entering the laboratory, pay attention to whether the water and electricity are safe;

  24. After finishing the experiment, clean up the experimental platform, return the medicines, and return the instruments! So that you can work faster, better, and more conveniently next time!

  25. Remember to turn off the water bath, drying oven and other electrical appliances that need to be turned off, remember to remember!

  26. Finally, after doing the experiment, wash your hands and pay attention to hygiene!

  Always remember to develop good habits in the laboratory, and do experiments seriously. Only by doing more experiments can people who do biology understand this knowledge in depth and improve their ability to solve practical problems!