What are the characteristics of the immune response of different experimental animals?

  (1) Primates (except humans)

  Primates mainly have four types of immunoglobulins, namely IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgE. No IgA was found in New Territories monkeys (except for one type of capuchin monkey). It has been shown that there are IgE antibodies against parasitic antigens in macaques, baboons and chimpanzees, but there are still no such antibodies in New Territories monkeys. Higher primates have a strong cross-reactivity with human immunoglobulins, except for the long-armed monkeys.

  Primates have bloody chorionic placenta, only IgG is allowed to pass, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE cannot pass. Newborn monkeys cannot absorb antibodies from colostrum. The fetus of the ninth month of pregnancy and adult rhesus monkeys produce IgM 6 days after the initial stimulation of the antigen. The fetus on the 58th day of pregnancy rejects the same implant skin, while this reaction of the sheep fetus occurs at 80 days.

  80% of born marmosets are twins with anastomosed placental vessels. Sex chromosome analysis can prove that there is exchange of blood in twins of different sex. Among marmoset twins that exchange blood, twins of opposite sex have been shown to have immune tolerance. Therefore, they accept skin grafting. Marmosets have an immune response to skin grafts of different subspecies. Intra-subspecies skin grafts can survive about twice as long as interspecies skin grafts.

  Primates play an important role in the study of human responsive element (IgE) hypersensitivity. One of the characteristics of the reactive element type antibody (also called skin allergic antibody) is that it can be fixed on the skin and other tissues of the same or closely related species (such as: lung, colon). Because rhesus monkeys are closely related to humans, they can use the serum of allergic people to cause P-K reactions (Prausniz-Kusrner). Among the primates, baboons, macaques, marmosets, capuchin monkeys, and lemurs are the best recipients of atrophic polychondritis (PCA) caused by reactivity antibodies in human allergic patients. Some scholars have proved that primates are animal models of human respiratory allergies.

  (two) dog

  "Immune globulins for dogs are IgG, IgM, IgA, IgG1 and IgG2. IgE is found in canine hay fever and various worm infections. Patterson et al. pointed out that adult dogs only produce a small amount of circulating antibodies to various protein antigens. Fetuses and newborn dogs have similar conditions.

  Lewis et al. believe that both newborn dogs and adult dogs can produce good antibodies to granular antigens (sheep red blood cells), but the antibodies produced by the initial immune response of newborn dogs are almost IgM, while the antibodies produced by adult dogs are IgM and IgG. The quantity of the two immunoglobulins is almost equal to the IgM of newborn dogs. Newborn dogs have synthesized IgG and IgM in the second reaction.

  Gerber et al. reported that the T lymphocytes of the Beagle Dog's circulating T lymphocytes reacted significantly more to PHA at 6-12 weeks of age than 0-4 weeks of age. The peak response to PHA is between 6 weeks and 6 months of age, and then decreases with age. The thymus of a beagle is about 100 mg at birth, which increases to more than 300 mg by 12 weeks of age. The total number of white blood cells gradually decreases with age.

  In addition to being used for general transplantation research, dogs are increasingly used as animal models for immune disease research. Except for humans, dogs are probably the only animal allergic to aerosols. Therefore, dogs are suitable animal models for the study of human allergy and asthma. The clinical manifestations of human hay fever include conjunctivitis, rhinitis and dermatitis, and most seasonal hay fever in dogs only has dermatitis, without eye and respiratory symptoms. This allergy in humans is caused by IgE. After dogs are sensitized by ragweed pollen (Raweed Pillens), there are also IgE antibodies in the blood and skin.

  (three) rabbit

  Rabbit is often used in the laboratory to prepare antibodies, and New Zealand colors are mostly used. Due to the different strains, breeds, species and individuals of the rabbits used, the ability to produce antibodies against a certain antigen is often different. Some strains of rabbits have at least 20% of the antibody titer or invalid titer. In order to obtain high titer serum, it is necessary to immunize 10 rabbits as a group.

  Rabbit’s intestinal lymphatic tissue is composed of Peyer’s lymph nodes, round sacs (collective lymph nodes at the ileocecal junction) and appendix. Waksman’s et al. described three parts with different morphology and function in lymphocyte tissue: Dome contains primitive and mature B lymphocytes; Corona contains small lymphocytes, thymus dependent area contains venules of posterior hair bacteria, Follicles. He believes that the round body may be equivalent to the cyst lymphatic organ, which can produce B lymphocytes. Follicle is an organ in which non-specific B cells proliferate (expand) in large numbers. Collecting lymph nodes, round sacs and appendix all contain T cells. T cells pass through the capillary vein to reach the appendix. There are also B cells in the collecting lymph nodes and appendix, but there are no antibody-forming cells. This well-defined T and B lymphocyte system and the rapid proliferation and migration of B cells (in the intestinal lymphatic organs, B cells participate in the immune response, but do not stay for a long time) may make the intestinal local lack of immune response. Collecting lymph nodes are an important source of IgA cells.

  Rabbit IgA is abundantly present in the intestinal mucosa and colostrum. This secreted antibody is synthesized in plasma cells in the interstitium of the intestine, breast and bronchial glands, as well as in the spleen and lymph nodes.

  Rabbit responsive element antibody is equivalent to human IgE. Rabbit IgM can enhance the formation of responsive element, and IgG can inhibit the production of responsive element antibodies.

  rabbits are used for allergic reaction research. Allergic reactions caused by IgG and IgE have similar clinical symptoms. The mechanism is antigen-antibody binding and platelet-leukocyte aggregation to form precipitates, releasing pharmacologically active substances (histamine and serotonin) into the pulmonary circulation, which are produced in the right heart. A combination of mechanical and pharmacological effects leads to circulatory collapse. IgG induced platelets or basophilic cells to release amines that affect blood vessels depends on the role of complement, while IgE-induced release of amines does not rely on complement.

  (four) guinea pig

  "Immunoglobulins identified in guinea pigs are: IgG (IgG1, IgG2), IgA and IgE. IgG1 is the mediator of allergic reactions. IgG2 is similar to mouse IgG1 and IgG2, and plays a role of binding complement in the action of antigen-antibody.

  In addition to being a source of complement, guinea pigs have been widely used in the study of immune development and delayed-type allergy. The newly bred guinea pig lines 2 and 13 are often used in immunological research. The two strains have significantly different immune responses to specific antigens. For example, when guinea pig line 2 and line 13 were injected with Freund's complete adjuvant containing the same antigen, guinea pig line 2 (and some Hartley line guinea pigs) showed obvious delayed-type allergic reactions, and it was against DNP-PLL. Benzene-poly-L-lysin) produces high concentrations of antibodies, while the guinea pig 13 line does not show an immunological reaction. On the other hand, both guinea pig 13 and Hartley guinea pigs can produce antibodies and delayed allergy to Hydralazine. Guinea pig line 2 only showed weak or no response.

  The skin of guinea pigs has been studied with tuberculin intradermal test and delayed allergies in contact with allergic substances. The difference between the tuberculin response of guinea pigs and humans is the presence or absence of cell infiltration. In addition, the delayed-type allergy of guinea pigs reaches a peak at 24-48 hours, and that in humans reaches a peak at 48-96 hours; humans and guinea pigs are exposed to sensitive chemicals. The response, the cellular response is very similar, but the response to the intradermal inoculation of the antigen is significantly different. Guinea pigs have more white blood cells and macrophages that react to the antigen than humans.

  When selecting guinea pigs for immunological research, special attention should be paid to the body's own factors, such as age, weight, diet and genetic factors. Baer et al. believe that guinea pigs aged 2-3 months or weighing 350-400 grams are most suitable for delayed-type allergy. Guinea pig line 13 is more sensitive to tuberculin-type allergy than guinea pig line 2. In contrast, guinea pig line 2 is more sensitive to contact allergies than guinea pig line 13. Hartley guinea pigs are sensitive to tuberculin-type allergy and exposure. These phenomena indicate that the ability of antibodies to develop delayed allergy is also under the control of genes.

  Recently, some scholars have used guinea pigs as an experimental model for studying allergies or immediate allergic reactions. In systemic allergy, the lung is a shock organ, mast cells are target cells, and histamine is the main pharmacological substance. There are two types of allergic antibodies in guinea pigs, namely IgG1 and IgG2.

  Recently Arko reported that guinea pigs are the most satisfactory immunological model for experimental animals used in gonorrhea research. Like humans, guinea pigs have the ability to prolong and limit the appearance of delayed dermal allergies, which is often used as an indicator of tumor immunity.

  (five) hamster

  Coe et al. studied the immune response of Syrian hamsters and found that there are two types of immunoglobulins of TS subclasses (IgG1) and slow (IgG2). When chicken egg white saline is used as the antigen, hamsters will be vaccinated, and hamsters will produce IgG1; if chicken egg whites and Freund’s adjuvant are used to inoculate hamsters, IgG1 and IgG2 will be produced. Hamster's IgG1 can induce PCA reaction and cannot produce systemic allergic reaction. Coe et al. believe that this may be due to the lack of amines necessary to affect blood vessels in hamsters in allergic reactions. Hamster IgG2 can fix complement and induce PCA response in guinea pigs, but IgG1 cannot fix complement.

  (six) mice

  "Mouse immunoglobulins include IgM, IgA, IgE, IgG1, IgG2a and IgG2b. The immune response of inbred mice to different antigens is under the genetic control of autosomes. This autosome has a gene (Ir) that governs the immune response, and the gene is linked to the major histocompatibility site (H-2) on. The gene Ir seems to be related to the function of T cells, but not much to B cells.


  mice can produce delayed-type hypersensitivity, they rarely see typical epidermal reactions and are not as regular as other animals. Mice can be induced to produce immediate allergies. Its systemic allergic reactions are characterized by poor circulation, circulatory collapse, and death in a few hours or even 10 to 20 minutes. In the in vitro allergic reaction test, only the mouse uterus can be used for the Schultz-Bale reaction. Mouse IgG and IgE can sensitize the skin and cause passive dermal allergic reactions. It is difficult to induce Arthus reaction in mice, and even if it occurs, it is not so intense compared with other experimental animals (such as rabbits). Unlike rats and guinea pigs, it is difficult for mice to induce experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) when inoculated with Freund’s complete adjuvant. The susceptibility of rats to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.

  (7) Rat

  In rats, the immune response gene (Ir) linked to the major histocompatibility complex (H) controls the resistance to GT (L-glutamate and L-tyrosine) and GA (L-glutamine and The immune response of L-alanine is similar to that of guinea pigs.

  "The rat and guinea pig immune response gene lr controls the humoral antibody response and cellular immunity. It has been proved that there are strain differences in the immune response of rats to sheep cells (SRBC) and bovine globulin (BGG).

  Rats have responsive element antibody IgE. Worm infection can often induce a large number of IgE antibodies, which are present in the blood circulation. The conventional immunization method can only produce a small amount of responsive element in the rat, which exists in the body for a short time. Some strains of rats, such as Hooded Lister and Spragus-Dawley, can produce more IgE, and the IgE will also increase when the antigen is injected again. Rats immunized with pertussis bacteria mainly produce IgE. If Freund's complete adjuvant is added to this antigen, immunized rats produce IgGa.

  (eight) pig

  It is known that pigs have three kinds of immunoglobulins, namely IgG (IgG1 and IgG2), IgM and IgA. The immunoglobulin in colostrum is mainly IgG (of which IgG1 is the main), followed by IgA. After 2-3 days of lactation, the IgG and IgM in the milk declined rapidly, but the amount of IgA remained relatively stable.

  Pig IgA cross-reacts with human IgA. There are two types of IgA: monomer and dimer in secretion, they are 7s and 10s respectively. The lamina propria of the intestine contains a large amount of plasma cells that secrete IgA.

  (9) Reaction animals (cattle, sheep, goat)

  Immune globulins that have been identified in ruminants are IgG (IgG1 and IgG2), IgA, IgM and similar IgE. Like other animals, IgG is the main immunoglobulin, IgG1 can fix complement (IgG2 cannot), and can selectively go from serum to milk, so IgG1 in colostrum and normal milk is the main immunoglobulin (75% ), while IgA and IgM only account for 20% of colostrum antibodies. The immunoglobulins in colostrum are very important for the survival of young animals. They can help prevent infections in the gastrointestinal tract.

  Silverstein et al. studied the ontogenesis of sheep immune response and found that fetuses of different ages have significant differences in response to antigens. The fetus at 41 days can produce antibodies to bacteriophage ×174, the fetus at 56 days can produce antibodies to ferritin, the fetus at 80 days can produce antibodies to serum proteins, and the fetus at 120 days can produce antibodies to albumin. The fetus has no response to Kvalite, Salmonella typhi or Diphtheria virus, and the fetus of sheep will also have a typical initial antibody response to the antigen.