What should I pay attention to when using laboratory animal disinfection supplies?

  The sanitary shampoo, bathing, hand washing, disinfection and isolation of the staff in the isolation area, including sanitation and disinfection products that need to be immersed and disinfected in the infected animal laboratory, have been carefully controlled and recorded. All the items you need to do.

  (1) Choice of sanitation and disinfection products

  The sanitation and disinfection products used by the staff, especially those in direct contact with human skin, with low irritation and stable performance, are used in environments where obstacles need to be considered. Air and environmental disinfection products should also be selected because they are low in irritation and corrosiveness and are easy to prepare and use. At the same time, it should be replaced regularly to prevent the development of drug resistance.

  (II) Management of sanitation and disinfection products

  1. Purchase sanitation and disinfection products

  Appropriate sanitation and disinfection products need to be purchased under the guidance of the veterinarian, and after the purchase by the material management personnel, the relevant materials should be registered and stored.

  2. Distribute sanitation and disinfection supplies

  The barrier environment manager receives the necessary sanitation and disinfection supplies from the material warehouse. Things that do not need to be prepared should be used in a fixed container. The preparation and disinfection products needed for current use must be operated under the guidance of the veterinarian. The hygiene and disinfection products that need to be replaced frequently should also be replaced under the guidance of the veterinarian or the test results.

  3. Use of sanitation and disinfection products

  Operate personal hygiene products in accordance with personal hygiene habits, and operate and use disinfection products in accordance with the instructions of various related products to be disinfected. Unusable sanitation and disinfection products should be replaced in time and treated in a harmless manner.

  (3) Emergency disinfection procedures in the barrier area

  Managers (veterinarians) supervise, guide and even participate in emergency disinfection operations to ensure timely disinfection and achieve the effect of controlling the spread of epidemics. This includes the following situations:

  Foreign animals enter the control area, foreign personnel enter the control area abnormally, biological infectious substances (samples) enter the control area, animals in the breeding room change nests, air supply or exhaust failure in the barrier environment (various reasons leading to air supply) ) Stop or alleviate, instantaneous negative pressure, suspicious or confirmed infectious disease outbreaks, autopsy rooms for dead animals, and close contact with all situations where pathogenic microorganisms may spread, such as the occurrence of infectious diseases.