How does Zhonghong Boyuan manage reagent consumables in animal experiments?

  As a professional "brick-moving" worker, we know that animal laboratories consume a lot of reagents and consumables every day, so the question is, how does Zhonghong Bo Yuanshi manage scientifically? Let's first take stock of the routine management methods of laboratory reagent consumables:

  Regular consumables management

  Durable consumables are generally placed on the laboratory rack after being cleaned and dried. In order to facilitate experimental use, it can be placed in categories. For consumables that are not easy to stand up, such as test tubes, centrifuge tubes, etc., you can find a clean and dry drawer to place them.

  Consumption materials, such as absorbent cotton, rubber gloves, and masks, are placed on each laboratory bench for easy access at any time; the rest will be boxed and placed in the locker. You can pick it up after you finish.

  There are two types of pipette tips and petri dishes: sterilized equipment will be placed next to the safety cabinet of the cell operation room according to different specifications, and the non-sterile will also be placed in another storage. As professional "bricks" workers in the cabinet, we know that the laboratory consumes a lot of reagents and consumables every day. The problem is how to manage administrators scientifically to make them worry-free and efficient. Let's look at the traditional methods of managing laboratory reagents and consumables:

  Manage traditional consumables

  Durable consumables usually need to be cleaned and dried and placed in a laboratory rack I will. You can put it in a category to facilitate experimentation. For consumables that are difficult to stand, such as test tubes and centrifuge tubes, you can find and place a clean, dry drawer. Such as

  Consumables such as

  cotton thread, rubber gloves and masks are always placed on each workbench for easy access at any time, and the rest are placed in the lockers and workbench boxes. You can pick it up when you are done.

  There are two types of pipette tips and petri dishes. According to different specifications, place the sterilized equipment next to the safety cabinet in the cell processing room, and place the unsterilized equipment on other equipment. In the locker. When the sterile pipette tip is almost used up, you can use a new pipette tip for immediate sterilization.

  State Key Laboratory Consumables Management

  Because this is a state key laboratory, confidentiality work is a bit difficult. All reagents and consumables (such as the number of paper bags purchased and office supplies used) have been registered. The PhD student is responsible for managing consumables and is informed, registered and prepared for power, display and various losses. The removed items will be put into the warehouse number in a uniform manner and destroyed after the confidentiality check is completed. Generally, consumables in our laboratory cannot be used arbitrarily in other laboratories. You need to use the registered work tray for printing.

  Medical reagent consumables management

  Our laboratory consumables are basically classified, managed and distributed to people. Reusable and disposable items such as syringe absorbent cotton should be managed in a unified manner. Reusable consumables need to use a box to hold the next box (pipette tips, etc.), and registration is required. The number of disposable consumables that can be recorded.

  In addition, teachers and manufacturers with high professional skills and high-level laboratory control capabilities also need to order special items such as laboratory reagents. Anyone conducting the experiment will first report which reagents they need, and if the boss approves, the ordering teacher will buy it.

  Dangerous goods management testing and testing

  has registered and is responsible. A management system for valuables or dangerous goods should be established. For example, our experiment uses 96% concentrated sulfuric acid. This is dangerous and a sign. In this way, it is necessary to establish a management system, perform dual-lock storage, perform application registration, display usage methods, and register waste liquid treatment.

  Public reagent consumables management

  Laboratory reagent consumables are divided into two types: public and private. All official numbers are displayed in a table to show location, place and time of purchase, location, remaining amount, unit price, etc. for regular inspection and timely purchase. Please keep it in a safe place for personal use.

  When the sterilized tip is almost used up, you can get a new tip for sterilization in time.

  State Key Laboratory Consumables Management

  Because it is a state key laboratory, the confidentiality work is a bit tight. All reagents and consumables will be registered, such as how many packs of paper are bought and what office supplies are used. A doctoral student is responsible for the management of consumables, and she will be notified of the power supply, display, and various losses, and will be registered and prepared. The eliminated items will be put into the warehouse number in a unified way, and will be destroyed after the confidentiality check is over. Normally our laboratory consumables will not be allowed to be used indiscriminately by other laboratories, and the registered work tray must be used for printing.

  Medical reagent consumables management

  The consumables in our laboratory are basically classified and managed and assigned to people. Reusable items or disposable items such as syringe absorbent cotton are managed uniformly. Reusable consumables have to use up one box to receive the next box (such as pipette tips) and registration is required. How many disposable consumables can be registered.

  In addition, special items such as experimental reagents are ordered by teachers and manufacturers with strong professional skills and management levels in the laboratory. Whoever does an experiment needs what reagents, first write a report, and after the Boss approves it, the teacher responsible for the order will buy it.

  Dangerous goods management

  There is registration, there are responsible persons, and a management system must be established for valuable or dangerous items. For example, we use 96% concentrated sulfuric acid in our experiment, which is dangerous and a precursor chemical. In this way, a management system must be established, double-lock storage, registration must be carried out for requisition, and usage must be indicated, and waste liquid treatment must also be registered.

  Public reagents and consumables management

  Experimental reagent consumables are divided into public and private use: public all numbers are made into a table, indicating the place, time and place of purchase, remaining quantity, unit price, etc., and regular inspections and timely purchase. Keep it for private use, basically very careful.