Selection of supporting process equipment for laboratory animal breeding

  The experimental facilities for raising experimental animals mainly include (1) material cleaning, disinfection, and transfer equipment, (2) equipment required for personnel access, (3) animal breeding and transportation equipment, (4) beverage equipment and disinfection equipment.

  1. Material cleaning, disinfection and transfer equipment

  The recycling of

  cage racks needs to be cleaned, then disinfected, and then used.

  Items can usually enter and leave the clean area in three ways, autoclave, water and transfer window (engine room). These devices are usually installed on the partition wall between the rooms before and after disinfection. Equipment installation should consider equipment maintenance and operation space. The height of the room should be at least 2.9m. According to foreign guidelines, the height should exceed 3.3m.

  (1)Cage cleaning machine

  If you use automatic cage cleaning equipment instead of labor, you can improve work efficiency and reduce labor costs. At present, automatic cage cleaning equipment is mainly divided into cabinet type and tunnel type.

  1. Cabinet-type cage-type washing machine Cabinet-type cage-type washing machine equipment has a variety of models, which can wash the cages of various experimental animals. On some models, a special cage can be used to clean the cage. Cabinet type cage washing machines are relatively mature, simple in structure and easy to operate. The equipment foundation must be preserved during design.

  2. Tunnel type cage cleaning machine Tunnel type cage cleaning machine is mainly used for cleaning cages. Complete cleaning and drying operations can be performed immediately, and users can add or delete corresponding functional parts as needed to meet their individual needs. ..

  Tunnel cage washing machines usually do not need to reserve a foundation, but the equipment usually requires a lot of space, electricity, water and steam. The facility design should ensure that the facility consumes sufficient utility.

  (2) Autoclave

  is installed in the channel where materials enter the clean area, and is mainly used for sterilizing and harmless treatment of feed, bedding, cages, dressings, utensils, cooking utensils, etc. Its body straddles the separation wall and has two doors. One is opened in a non-clean space, and the other is opened in a clean (or relatively clean) control area, where sterile materials can be removed and used.

  (3) Waterway Bridge

  Materials that are not resistant to high temperature and pressure can enter the clean area through the water pipe. The water supply is a water tank filled with disinfectant, and its range is between the dirty area and the clean area. For materials and equipment that cannot withstand high temperature and high pressure, please put them in from the non-clean side, immerse and disinfect, and then take them out of the clean part before use.

  (4) Through the window (through the cabinet, transfer room)

  1. The metal box spans unclean and clean areas, with ultraviolet lamps and two interlocking doors inside, which can handle high temperature, high pressure or water. There is no tolerance. Insert the material from the door on the side of the non-clean area, turn on the UV lamp, and then remove it from the door on the side of the clean area.

  The way animals enter and leave the clean area will vary slightly depending on the size and cleanliness of the animal.

  Animals Small animals can enter the clean area from the transfer window (transfer cabinet, transfer cabin) like objects. According to specific requirements, large animals enter the clean area after bathing, isolation and quarantine.

  2. Staff entry

  Air shower. Under dynamic conditions, the operator is the largest source of bacteria and dust, and can spray a clean air stream into the air shower before the operator enters the clean room. Dust adheres to the surface of clothes.

  2. Animal care and transportation equipment

  (1) Cage and cage

  If the environment outside the cage meets the quality control standards, the quality of the small environment used to raise animals depends largely on the cage and the cage. .. Shelf status. Need to use cages to provide enough space for animals. Good ventilation and lighting. Sturdy and durable, animals inside will not escape, and animals outside will not enter. Easy to operate, easy to disinfect, clean, store and transport.

  Cage racks can support the cages, so the cages are placed reasonably, and some are equipped with automatic animal feces flushers and automatic drinking fountains. The cage-to-cage matching must be careful to facilitate movement, cleaning and disinfection.

  (2) Independent ventilation cage (IVC) and isolator

  IVC, equipped with an air purifier and ventilation system, can be installed in a normal room for breeding, raising and observing SPF animals. The laminar flow frame can also be divided into positive pressure and negative pressure according to experimental needs. IVC does not require auxiliary equipment, can operate independently, and is suitable for small-scale short-term use. The device can control air purification indicators and ventilation indicators, but other environmental indicators (temperature, humidity, etc.) need to be controlled on site, which greatly limits their use.

  The isolator is a completely enclosed device that can maintain the environment inside the case. The environmental indicator is controlled by a device outside the housing. The isolator for sterile animals is a positive pressure device, and a negative pressure isolator used in the experiment of infected animals.

  (3) Transport cage

  SPF-class animal transport cage is equipped with an air filtration ventilation system and a device for controlling temperature and humidity. The transport vehicle is also equipped with a control system for various environmental indicators and can breed experimental animals.

  4. Drinking water device

  As a drinking water device for animal breeding, drinking water bottles, basins and automatic drinking fountains are usually used.