How to improve the hygiene and epidemic prevention of laboratory animals?

  1. The principle of preventing epidemics

  (1) Separation and reproduction: Laboratory animals of different types, strains and sources should be stored separately to prevent cross-infection.

  (2) Strictly restrict imported animal quarantine: Animals imported from units with animal production licenses must be provided as seed animals from the Animal Germplasm Resource Center of the National Institute of Rodents. Before being applied to animals, quarantine and quarantine procedures are required.

  (3) Observe the sanitation and disinfection system: disinfect animal houses and breeding equipment regularly to prevent the entry and reproduction of various microorganisms.

  (4) Feeding management personnel should conduct regular health checks, and people with zoonotic diseases should leave the work area in contact with animals.

  (5) The protection unit should regularly check the quality of protected animals and update the population in time when problems are found.

  (6) Strictly prevent wild animals from invading the laboratory animal room, and conduct harmless treatment of dead animals.

  2. Daily preventive measures

  (1) Zoo keepers strictly enforce reproduction control, sanitation control and infectious disease prevention systems and operating procedures for experimental animals of various levels, and have adopted different records. Need to create and report in a timely manner.

  (2) There should be no source of infection around the experimental animal facility, and non-experimental livestock and poultry should not be kept to prevent insects, wild animals and plants from infesting.

  (3) Observe the daily sanitation and disinfection system to reduce pathogen content in environmental facilities.

  (4) It is strictly forbidden to enter or leave the breeding room with anyone other than the breeder, and those who purchase or obtain animals are not allowed to enter the breeding room.

  (5) The storage of feed and garbage should be dry, ventilated, free of insects and rats.

  3. Measures for when infectious diseases occur

  (1) Detect, diagnose and report infectious diseases, and notify nearby units for prevention.

  (2) Quickly isolate sick animals and urgently disinfect the contaminated environment and equipment. Laboratory animals must be stopped or eliminated for experimental observation.

  (3) If harmful diseases such as smallpox or epidemic hemorrhagic fever occur, comprehensive measures such as lock-in measures should be taken. The blockade will be lifted only one month after the epidemic disappears and disinfection.

  (4) Measures such as incineration should be taken to deal with the death and extinction of animals reasonably.

  (5) According to the type and prevalence of the disease, timely report to the regulatory department and the epidemic prevention department. For example, the occurrence of ratpox should be reported to the local laboratory animal control agency in time, and epidemic hemophilia should be reported to the local laboratory animal control agency at the same time as the local disease control center.

  Four, disinfection measures

  The barrier environment for feeding mice should be specially protected from external microorganisms. Therefore, halide disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite, iodophor, etc.), reverse soap (surfactant for disinfection), peroxide disinfectant (peroxyacetic acid), quaternary ammonium salt (disinfectant is used, but recommended Other disinfectants.

  (1) If livestock equipment and goods enter the livestock barrier environment, the quantity and frequency of delivery must be controlled.

  (2) After disinfecting the transfer window and buffer room with a disinfectant, the ultraviolet light must be turned on for 30 minutes, and then the inner door must be opened.

  (3) Wipe and disinfect the floors of clean rooms, bathrooms, buffer rooms and animal rooms every day: Wipe and disinfect used scales, vehicles and equipment in operation. The animal area was not exposed to ultraviolet light for disinfection.

  (4) Wipe and disinfect the breeding rack once a week, replace the nest, disinfect all areas of the obstacle, use an atomizer to spray, if there is ultraviolet light, turn on the ultraviolet light.

  (5) Clean the indoor vent every month, immerse it in disinfectant, wipe off the water, and reinstall.

  (6) Isolation measures

  Isolating sick or suspicious animals is one of the important measures to prevent and control infection. The separation should be disinfected and disinfected in a convenient place or at home. If you have a large number of sick animals, you can isolate them in the original animal house. Non-workers and animals are prohibited from entering the isolation area. Staff entering and exiting must comply with the disinfection system. Without thorough disinfection, do not remove cooking utensils, feed, feces, etc. in the isolation area. For severe zoonotic diseases (such as epidemic hemorrhagic fever) animals, effective measures should be taken in time. The entire team should be severely killed and disinfected to prevent the epidemic from spreading further.