【Animal Modeling】-Genetic Screening of Mutants with Defective Digestive Organ Development in Zebrafish

  OBJECTIVE: To genetically screen zebrafish mutants with defective liver, intestine and gallbladder development.

  METHODS: Wild-type zebrafish were mutagenized with ENU and the classical F2 generation screening was performed. Whole embryo in situ hybridization with lfabp as a probe and BES-H2O2-Ac fluorescent dye were used to detect the phenotypes of early embryonic liver, intestine and gallbladder of zebrafish respectively. .

  RESULTS: Twenty-three zebrafish digestive organ development-deficient mutant strains derived from 14 F2 families were screened out of 128 mutant genomes, and they were divided into 6 types according to phenotype.

  Conclusion: The developmental regulatory mechanisms of zebrafish liver, intestine and gallbladder have similarities and differences.