【Animal Modeling】-The establishment of a method for non-invasive mouse tracheal intubation using a disposable epidural anesthesia catheter

  Objective To establish a simple, reliable, and accurate non-invasive tracheal intubation method for mice inserted into the trachea, which can be used for modeling various mouse lung disease models and drug intervention.

  Methods Female C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital, and the mice were suspended through the incisors. The epidural anesthesia catheter, 1 mL syringe, 10 μL pipette tip, etc. were assembled into an intubation tool combination, and the two hands held the tool and sensed the mouse trachea respectively. Non-invasive tracheal intubation was performed through the mouth, and trypan blue or PBS was administered. . After intubation administration, the mice in the dye group were observed for trypan blue staining in lung tissue and stomach, and the mice in the PBS group were returned to the rearing environment to continue feeding to observe the survival of the mice.

  RESULTS: There was coloration in the lung tissue of the mice in the dye group, and the distribution was relatively uniform, but there was no coloration in the stomach. The mice in the PBS group continued to survive after recovery from anesthesia without any abnormality.

  Conclusion A method of non-invasive tracheal intubation in mice is established by using a combination of tools such as epidural anesthesia catheter, 1 mL syringe, and 10 μL pipette tip. The method is simple and stable, can accurately determine the insertion of the trachea, has little trauma to animals, and is highly repeatable.