【Animal Modeling】-Study on the Diversity of Intestinal Microflora in Common SPF Mice and Rats

  Objective: To study the diversity of intestinal flora in common SPF mice and rats.

  METHODS: The cecal content samples of C57BL/6, ICR, BALB/c mice and Wistar, SD rats from three experimental animal production units in Guangdong were collected, and the V4-V5 region was amplified with bacterial 16S rDNA universal primers. IlluminaMiseq2× 300bp sequencing platform was used for sequencing, and bioinformatics methods were used for microbial community analysis, Alpha diversity analysis and Beta diversity analysis.

  RESULTS: The OTU cluster analysis after sequence de-impurification and optimization, the dilution curve showed that the amount of data in this sequencing was reasonable; the intestinal flora of experimental mice and rats were divided into eight phyla, among which Bacteroidetes, thick The phylum Firmicutes occupies a dominant position, and at the genus level, the genus Bacteroides, Hungatella, Parabacteroides, Lactobacillus, etc.; the difference analysis between samples shows that the source of the same facility The flora composition of animals is relatively similar; Alpha analysis results show that animals from the same facility have similar species richness; Beta analysis shows that the differences in intestinal flora of animals in the same facility are small, but the differences between strains on intestinal flora have an impact.

  Conclusion: The rearing environment of different source facilities is the main factor affecting the diversity of animal intestinal flora, and different strains have a certain influence on the diversity of intestinal flora.