【Animal Modeling】-Analysis of Bacterial Community Diversity in Large Intestine Contents of Tree Shrews

  OBJECTIVE: To analyze the structure and composition of E. coli bacteria in tree shrew by high-throughput sequencing technology.

  Methods: The large intestine contents of three male tree shrews were collected, the V3-V4 regions were amplified with bacterial 16S rDNA universal primers, and sequenced on the Illumina PE250 platform.

  RESULTS: A total of 160,157 valid sequences were obtained, and 437 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were obtained after clustering. The bacteria in the large intestine of tree shrew had 9 phyla, 19 classes, 37 orders, 68 families, 137 Among them, ① Firmicutes and Proteobacteria have the highest abundances, 63.30% and 28.52%, respectively; ② The dominant classes are Bacillus and γ-Proteobacteria (51.46%, 28.02%) ); ③ Lactobacillus and Enterobacter

  Objective: The abundances were the highest, 45.33% and 27.51%; ④ The dominant families were Lactobacillus (35.30%) and Enterobacteriaceae (27.51%); ⑤ Lactobacillus and Escherichia were the dominant genera (35.30%, 35.30%) 27.49%); ⑥ At the species level, the abundance of culturable bacteria was 37.10%, unclassified bacteria 27.69%, and unculturable bacteria 35.21%. Among the culturable bacteria, Streptococcus salivarius had the highest abundance (26.66%). Among the 20 most abundant species, 8 bacteria (40%) were unclassified and were new species that had not been discovered before. There were certain differences in bacterial communities among individuals.

  Conclusion: The bacterial composition in the large intestine contents of tree shrew is rich in diversity, and there are many bacteria that have not been classified and identified with high relative abundance, which need further study.