Chinese scholars discover genetic characteristics of intestinal flora associated with liver cirrhosis

  Recently, Li Lanjuan, the head of the National Institute of Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and the Joint Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, his research team is located in the Han nationality, discovered intestinal bacteria related to cirrhosis Genetic characteristics of the population.

  At present, some patients with viral hepatitis and fat, alcohol, drugs and immune-mediated liver diseases will experience the "trilogy" of hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Some studies have shown that changes in intestinal microbes play an important role in the complications of end-stage liver cirrhosis, but there is no clear evidence that there is an association between intestinal flora and liver disease. Li Lanjuan and his research team used metagenomics to analyze China's intestinal flora, including stool samples from 98 Chinese patients with cirrhosis and 83 healthy Chinese volunteers. 181 samples were collected. We performed detailed sequence analysis and correlation analysis on the intestinal flora of liver cirrhosis, obtained 2.69 million non-redundant human intestinal flora gene sets, and established the world's first liver disease intestinal flora gene set. done. 36.1% of genes were discovered for the first time.

  Researchers claim that they are the first to find that oral bacteria in patients with liver cirrhosis invade the intestines, and the increased flora contains pathogens such as Campylobacter and Haemophilus. Although healthy people can enter the intestines from the mouth through contaminated food, healthy people do not experience this phenomenon, and it has a significant impact on the development and development of cirrhosis. This study is the first to carry out a correlation analysis of the intestinal flora in cirrhosis, elucidating the mechanism of the occurrence and development of cirrhosis from the perspective of intestinal flora imbalance, and clarifying the relationship between healthy people and patients with cirrhosis. Yes. Community structure and function. In addition, the researchers discovered 15 highly specific and sensitive microbial genes and established disease prediction models. These models can be used not only to diagnose liver cirrhosis, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of liver cirrhosis.