【Animal Modeling】-Diversity of intestinal flora of oriental vole under laboratory and field conditions

  OBJECTIVE: To investigate the distribution and differences of intestinal flora of oriental voles under laboratory and field conditions.

  METHODS: The 16S rDNA-V4-V5 region sequences of intestinal bacteria from laboratory-bred and wild-captured oriental vole were determined by high-throughput sequencing technology, the number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) was counted, and the abundance, distribution and difference of flora species were analyzed. .

  Results: The rarefaction curve indicated that the sampling quantity was reasonable and the sequencing was sufficient. At the phylum level, the distribution and proportion of intestinal flora in laboratory-raised and wild-living groups were basically similar, and the experimental group had a unique phylum, viscococcus phylum (Lentisphaerae), the wild group has 3 unique phyla, namely Fusobacteria, Thaumarchaeota and unclassified phyla, with the largest difference in abundance being Tenericutes. At the genus level, the intestinal bacteria of the wild oriental vole were more abundant than those raised in the laboratory, and the genus Ruminococcus had the greatest abundance difference.

  Conclusion: The structure and differences of intestinal flora of oriental voles under laboratory and field conditions were obtained, which further enriched the basic biological data of oriental voles.