Important progress has been made in breast cancer research in tree shrews, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, affecting one-eighth of women's health worldwide. Although in the past two decades, the mortality rate in developed countries has decreased slightly due to treatment factors and advances in early detection, breast cancer still causes 500,000 deaths worldwide. Animal models are playing an increasingly important role in reducing mortality and understanding the mechanisms leading to the development of different types of tumors. Because of their convenience, economy and mature genetic engineering, rodents such as mice are widely used in tumor biology research. However, due to the great differences in the basic biology of rodents and humans, the clinical application of effective drugs in rodents often fails. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new and efficient animal models close to humans. Geratus is a new type of experimental animal. Because it is close to humans in phylogeny, it has potential applications in biomedicine, such as in tumor biology research.

  Although the liver cancer and lung cancer models of wood sh have been successfully established, the breast cancer model of wood sh has not been established, and the normal breast structure of wood sh has not been systematically studied. .. Therefore, in order to fully understand the mammary gland structure of Mu sh, associate researcher Xia Houjun of Cheng's research group and Dr. He Baoli of Kunming Medical University established a series of normal mumm breasts at different stages of development. Identification and analysis. His staining and immunohistochemical analysis showed that the foal's mammary gland morphology is very similar to that of humans. At the same time, we found that the most naturally occurring breast cancers in sh are intraductal papilloma, papillary carcinoma and invasive ductal carcinoma, some of which have lung metastases. In addition, in order to establish a breast tumor model in wooden sh, we treated female wooden sh with carcinogenic DMBA and carcinogenic synthetic progesterone MPA.

  The incidence of tumors in the

  DMBA gavage group was 12%, while the incidence of tumors in the MPA sustained-release tablet-embedded group increased to 50%. Most of these breast tumors are intraductal papilloma, one of which is invasive ductal carcinoma. Analysis of oncogene mutations showed that PTEN/PIK3CA mutations often occur in TEN breast milk, but TP53 and GATA3 do not. The mutation status of PTEN/PIK3CA gene is related to the expression of pAKT. The results of this study indicate that rew may be an animal model for studying PTEN/PIK3CA mutant subtypes in human breast cancer.