【Animal Modeling】-Study on quantitative detection of Alu gene for evaluation of gastric cancer metastasis model

  Objective To study the correlation between the expression level of human Alu gene and the degree of gastric cancer metastasis in tissues and organs in a nude mouse model of human gastric cancer metastasis, and to explore the molecular biological method for early assessment of gastric cancer metastasis model.

  Methods The standard plasmids were constructed with the genomic DNA of human gastric cancer cells SGC-7901, MKN45 and normal gastric mucosal cells GES1 as templates, respectively, and the expression of Alu gene in gastric cancer cells SGC-7901 in different proportions was detected by real-time quantitative PCR to obtain the correlation curve; Gastric cancer cells SGC-7901 and MKN45 were used to construct human gastric cancer cell xenograft metastasis model by subcutaneous inoculation in nude mice, and real-time quantitative PCR was used to detect the expression of human Alu gene in the liver, spleen, lung, kidney and subcutaneous tumor tissue of the model mice. The correlation curve between the expression of Alu gene and the degree of tumor metastasis in various organs and tissues was obtained; the fresh tumor specimens of clinical gastric cancer patients were subcutaneously inoculated into nude mice to construct a xenograft model, and the expression of human Alu gene in various tissues of the model mice was further verified with the tumor in the organs. Correlation of degree of metastasis.

  Results The content of SGC-7901 in gastric cancer cells was negatively correlated with the Ct value of Alu gene (R2 = 0.9239). High level, the expression in lung metastases and liver metastases is between that of normal nude mice and subcutaneous tumors, which is consistent with the results of histopathological examinations; in the tumor xenograft (PDX) model of gastric cancer patients, it has been determined that metastatic Although no visible metastases were formed in the organs, the expression of human Alu gene (Ct value 17. 86) was significantly different from that of normal nude mice (Ct value 22. 18) (P < 0. 05); The expression of human Alu gene (Ct value 14. 29) was significantly different (P < 0. 01) in the visible metastases.

  Conclusion In the nude mouse model of human gastric cancer metastasis, the expression of human Alu gene is positively correlated with the degree of gastric cancer metastasis.