【Animal Experiment】-Scientists from China, Britain and South Korea successfully performed head replacement surgery on monkeys

  Last year, heretical surgeon Sergio Canavero (Sergio Canavero) revealed that weekly "new scientists" have plans to try to transplant human heads, which caused a global storm. He said that it will take two years to develop a surgical plan and that surgery will be used to treat total paralysis.

  Aver Canavero said: "I want to say that we have a lot of data. The important thing is that people no longer think it is possible. It is entirely possible, and we are working towards this goal." "American Journal of Surgery and Central Nervous System Neurology and "Therapeutics" is published every two months, and there are seven papers explaining the work in the coming months. It will be issued. "New scientists" do not read these papers every week, so we cannot verify these latest statements. In CNS Neurology and Therapeutics, we invited a Canavero co-editor as a guest editor.

  Canavero’s practice of publishing the latest results before publishing these papers was denied. Arthur Kaplan, a bioethicist at New York University School of Medicine, said: "This is important." "This is public science. I am interested in whether it will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. I think the rest It's all nonsense."

  Thomas Cochran, a neuroscientist at the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, we believe that early disclosure of Canavero results is abnormal. "The reason for frowning is very good. It is unpleasant, exciting, and diverts people’s attention from real work. Everyone agrees that real work is the basis for persuasiveness. This method is mainly Used in advertising and has nothing to do with good scientific results."

  I can’t confirm, "New Scientist", Canavero explained that I watched some photos and videos every week. According to Canavelo, the researchers changed the monkey's head under the guidance of Ren Xiaoping of Harbin Medical College. They connected the blood supply between the head and the new body, but did not try to connect the spinal cord. Canavero said the experiment was a repeat of Robert White's work in the United States in 1970. Experiments have shown that if the head is cooled to minus 15 degrees Celsius, the monkey can withstand the operation without damaging the brain.

  Anna Cannavelo said: "The monkey survived the operation completely without damaging the nerves." Also, for ethical reasons, the researchers admitted that they could only survive 20 hours after the operation. However, "New Scientist" weekly did not obtain any details about the experiment. Ren Shaoping said: "We conducted preliminary research to test some methods to prevent injuries." He and his team used human cadavers to conduct experiments to prepare for surgery.