[Animal Experiment]-The first successful cloning of a dead dog in the UK

  If your pet dog unfortunately passed away recently, would you spend $100,000 to clone a dog that looks exactly like your dog? A British couple answered "yes" to this question. On the 26th of last month, they led the first clone of their beloved dog, which was also the first successful dead dog clone in the UK.

  helped me understand that this wish is a clone of SooamBiotech in South Korea. The Siam Institute of Biotechnology in South Korea is the only organization in the world that is learning dog cloning technology, and the world's first cloned dog "Snape" was born here. A few days ago, the reporter accepted an exclusive interview with the cloning agency scientist David King, and introduced in detail how to clone dogs and the story behind this controversial technology and organization. Rebirth: Dead Dog chooses to clone. Dylan, an eight-year-old boxer, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died. The British couple could not bear the pain of "lost the dog" and went to Korea to clone Dylan. Laura Jack, 29, and her husband, Richardeymad, 43, runs a construction company that specializes in the restoration of old houses. They love dogs and are a couple living in Yorkshire, England. Their family not only breeds many varieties of Golden Retrievers, Bullmastiff, Shih Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, but also breeds guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils and hamsters. Among all these dogs, Boxer Dylan is especially important. However, last June, eight-year-old Dylan was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died immediately. Unable to bear the pain of "lost the dog", they decided to clone Dylan and chose the controversial Korean Institute of Biotechnology to implement the cloning. .. The process of cloning a pair of dogs was full of twists and turns.

  They frozen the carcass of their pet dog and collected two tissue samples. However, the first tissue sample failed and could not be grown in the laboratory, so a second sample was obtained a week later. Richard also flew to South Korea from the UK twice to send samples. Xiuyan warned that the laboratory has never cloned a dog that has been dead for more than 12 days. There is a limit to the number of dog clones that die for 5 days. Although she missed the perfect cloning time, Xiuyan still broke the limit and finally made Dylan clone a success. There are two there. They witnessed the history of dogs cloned by surrogates in the laboratory C-section. The British couple had smiles on their faces, and they saw a puppy that looked like Dylan. We named the first puppy "Chance" and the second puppy "Shadow". Industry: "We have many Chinese customers." South Korea's Xiuyan Institute of Biotechnology has cloned more than 700 dogs. Customers come from all over the world, including Chinese customers. This is the story of this British couple. The institute has returned to public view and has attracted great attention at home and abroad.

  In fact, the company gained a worldwide reputation in 2005. At that time, the world's first cloned dog was born in South Korea, and the technical team behind it was Xiuyan. As the world's leading dog cloning laboratory, Xiuyan has successfully cloned more than 700 dogs so far. In an interview with reporters, Xiuyan scientist David said that their customers come from all over the world, many of them are "many customers from different provinces in China, but so far, I am not a customer in Sichuan." Wei said, from confidentiality From a perspective, we cannot disclose how many dogs have been cloned for Chinese customers. But they said that cloned dogs come from many different breeds, including "911" rescue dogs, guide dogs, pet dogs and Tibetan Tibetans. According to David, the cost of cloning a dog is $100,000 per box, but “we also provide cell banking services, which means you can store your dog cells here and clone them when you’re ready. Yes. , The cost of storing cells for three years is $3,000, and then $100 per year." "Currently, the pregnancy rate of cloned surrogate dogs is over 30%, which means nearly 2.5 dogs. One person will be pregnant with clones. Dogs."

  Science: You can repeat several steps. Scientists recommend storing cells for the life of dogs. This is because the cells are most likely to grow normally. "We usually recommend that customers keep dog cells in the dog's life, because the cells are most likely to grow normally. If the dog dies, it will take 5 days for us to ask the customer to provide tissue samples in it. If we die, the cells will die immediately. The earlier the sample is provided, the higher the success rate. "If you want to clone a dog, what are the steps and precautions? This is why we also replied to reporter David. First, wrap the dog's entire body with a wet towel, and then put it in the refrigerator (not in the freezer layer). Keep your body cool. Specific steps include extracting and culturing cells from dogs, extracting unfertilized eggs from female dogs, extracting female dog egg nuclei and placing the nucleus in the nucleus containing dog DNA, and incubating in the laboratory until the eggs grow up and move to the uterus. This includes shock remodeling, which promotes cell division. The embryo is implanted in the womb of the surrogate dog and becomes pregnant until delivery. David said that in this way, he successfully cloned many types of animals, including cows, pigs, cats, deer, horses and wolves. We plan to clone camels, tigers and other mammals in the future. They also cooperated with Russia's Northeastern Federal University in 2012, planning to use cloning technology to revive the mammoth that went extinct 10,000 years ago.