[Animal modeling]- β- Establishment of animal model of dissecting aneurysm induced by aminopropionitrile

  Purpose: Explore β- The effect of aminopropionitrile on the wall of rat great arteries and the characteristics of human dissecting aneurysms were compared with a view to further exploring the animal model of dissecting aneurysms that conforms to the characteristics of human diseases

  Methods: The drinking water of experimental animals was mixed with BAPN to prepare BAPN solutions with concentrations of 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%. SPF SD rats aged 4-5 weeks and SPF C57BL/6 mice aged 3 weeks were fed for 7 weeks. After the experiment was completed or the animals died, they were dissected, their great arteries were separated, and the general changes were observed. The great arteries were divided into four parts: the ascending aorta, the descending aorta, the upper part of the renal artery of the abdominal aorta, and the lower part of the renal artery of the abdominal aorta. The cross sections of each section of the blood vessels were cut for HE staining, At the same time, the large arteries of patients with type A dissecting aneurysm undergoing thoracotomy were taken for HE staining, and their pathological changes were observed and compared with those of rats with dissecting aneurysm

  Results: 1) BAPN can significantly affect the water intake and weight gain of rats or mice

  Conclusion: C57BL/6 mouse dissecting aneurysm animal model can be used as a simple, economical and effective animal model for further research; The incidence of systemic pathological changes such as intestinal rupture and scoliosis in SD rats is higher than that of dissecting aneurysm. As an animal model of dissecting aneurysm, it needs further exploration