[Animal modeling] - Shenqi Pill reduces kidney damage in diabetes ZDF rats

  Objective To investigate the intervention effect of Shenqi Pill on renal injury in diabetes ZDF rats and whether its mechanism is to reduce ERS through PERK pathway.

  Methods Twelve week old male ZDF (fa/fa) rats were randomly divided into model group and Shenqi Pill group, and male ZDF (fa/+) rats of the same age were taken as control group. The Shenqi pill group was orally administered Shenqi pill decoction (8.12g/kg) every day, and the control group and model group were orally administered the same amount of normal saline every day. The general state of rats was observed regularly, and fasting blood glucose and 24h urinary microalbumin were detected. At the age of 16 weeks, samples were taken to observe the pathological changes of renal tissue with PAS, Masson and PAM-HE staining, and GRP78, PERK and eIF2 of renal tissue were detected α、 The expression level of ATF4 and other factors.

  Results The rats in the model group showed slow weight growth, decreased body hair luster and inactive activities. Compared with the model group, the rats in the Shenqi Pill group had stable weight growth, bright body hair and normal activities. Fasting blood glucose and 24h urinary microalbumin in the model group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while those in the Shenqi pill group were significantly lower than those in the model group (P<0.05). In model group, glomerular capillaries were dilated, basement membrane was irregularly thickened, mesangial area was widened, and some glomeruli were segmental sclerosis; Renal tubules atrophy and interstitial fibrous tissue hyperplasia can be seen. After administration of Shenqi Pill, the pathological changes of the kidney were obviously alleviated. Model group GRP78, PERK and eIF2 α The expression of mRNA and protein in the Shenqi Pill group was significantly higher than that in the control group, while that in the Shenqi Pill group was significantly lower than that in the model group (P<0.05); There was no difference in the mRNA expression of ATF4 between the model group and the Shenqi pill group, but the protein of ATF4 in the Shenqi pill group was significantly lower than that in the model group (P<0.05).

  Conclusion Shenqi Pill may alleviate renal injury in diabetes ZDF rats by influencing the endoplasmic reticulum stress PERK pathway.