Chinese Science News of the Year 2019 Announced

Chinese Science News of the Year 2019 Announced

The first row in the picture from left to right is Du Jiangfeng, He Xiantu, Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Xuesi, Xiao Guoqing. From left to right in the second row are Ma Yanwei, Chen Zheng, Chen Tianshi, Peng Shou, Tang Wenbin. Photo courtesy of the organizer

China News Service, Beijing, January 16 (Reporter Du Yan) The results of the "2019 Chinese Science News of the Year" selection officially announced, Du Jiangfeng, He Xiantu, Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Xuesi, Xiao Guoqing, Ma Yanwei, Chen Zheng, Chen Tianshi, Peng Shou, Tang Wenbin 10 people were elected.
Today, the reporter learned from the organizer that the “Science News of the Year” selection event has been held for 9 sessions, and is co-sponsored by the China Science Journal, Science Network and Science News. Out of the "scientific star" in people's minds. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wang Zhizhen served as directors, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhang Luqian and Chen Jisheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Kuang Tingyun, Ouyang Ziyuan, Liu Jiaqi, Yan Jiaan, Ouyang Zhongcan, Liu Yunqi, Zhou Zhonghe and other academicians served as judges.
According to the selection criteria of "Chinese Science News Person of the Year", the elected candidates should have made major innovation contributions in the field of basic research in 2019 and won major honors; promoted the integration of technology and economy, promoted technological innovation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, etc. Has made outstanding achievements in the field; made important contributions in the fields of science and technology communication and science popularization, and has a unique performance; promoted the innovation of the industry of the company's ecology, led the market application, and received widespread attention from domestic and foreign media.
After two rounds of rigorous selection and voting by scientific bloggers and scientific media people and academicians and experts, 10 candidates were finally selected in the above four fields.
Scientist in the field of basic research
Elected "2019 Chinese Science News Person of the Year · Scientist in Basic Research Field" are: Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China Du Jiangfeng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher of Beijing Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, He Xiantu, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Wang Zhenyun, Yang Zhenning, Professor of Advanced Research Institute of Tsinghua University.
According to reports, the team of academician Du Jiangfeng studied the evolutionary rules governed by the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in the quantum system, and through the high-precision manipulation of diamond qubits, the parity time symmetry was observed in the single-spin system for the first time in the world Sexual breakage helps people better understand the wonderful nature of the micro world.
He Xiantu and his team have made outstanding contributions in the fields of laser-driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and high-energy density physics. China’s ICF research has broken the Western technological blockade and established China’s independent ICF research system. Indirect driving and direct driving the important progress of thermonuclear neutrons.
Wang Xiaoyun is the first female winner of the Future Science Award. He has cracked the world's five most famous passwords in ten years. The designed password is 600 million smart grid users and hundreds of millions of bank cards.
Outstanding in technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements
Elected "2019 Chinese Science News Person of the Year · Outstanding Person in Technological Innovation and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements": Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Researcher of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chen Xuesi, Researcher of the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Xiao Guoqing, Researcher of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ma Yanwei.
According to reports, Chen Xuesi, as the chief scientist of the enterprises in the Changchun New District, is committed to transforming scientific and technological innovations in the new district into actual productivity, actively serving the local economic construction through various forms and channels, and jointly completing the "10,000 tons" with relevant units. "Development of complete technology and series products of industrial grade polylactic acid" has played a positive role in promoting the development of China's biodegradable plastic industry and treating "white pollution".
Xiao Guoqing focused on the development of "carbon ion therapy system" to bring hope to some refractory tumor patients in China.
Ma Yanwei won the 2019 International Application Superconductor Outstanding Contribution Award in recognition of his outstanding contribution in the field of new practical superconducting wires. This is the first time that Chinese scientists have won the award.
Technology communicators (including science workers)
The winner of "2019 Chinese Science News Person of the Year · Science and Technology Communicator (including science workers)" is: Chen Zheng, a teacher at the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Physics of Beijing Jiaotong University.
According to reports, Chen Zheng has not only served as a scientific planner for several TV science programs, but has also been active on short video platforms since 2018, focusing on dedicating various interesting scientific experiments to fans. He has an image metaphor for his positioning, "We are the door welcoming at the entrance of the Academy of Science, knocking on the gongs and drums, playing tricks, and attracting more people's attention. Among these people, some people may be curious and go. When we entered the science compound, our task was completed. Once they entered the compound, they were handed over to the compound for systematic training."
In addition, the "2019 China Science of the Year News Leaders of Science and Technology Enterprises" were selected: Chen Tianshi, CEO of the Cambrian Technology of China Science and Technology, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chairman of Kaisheng Technology Co., Ltd., and China Building Materials Bengbu Glass Industry Design and Research Institute Chang Pengshou, Tang Wenbin, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Defiant Technology. (Finish)

▎Source: China News Network