[Animal experiment]-Study on the effect of oral rehydration salt on reducing the mortality of rats with status convulsions with lithium chloride and pilocarpine

  OBJECTIVE: To find a way to reduce the mortality of status epilepticus (SE) model induced by oral chlorine rehydration salt (ORS) modified lithium chloride-pilocarpine by gavage.

  Method: 30 adult SD rats (60d) and 45 SD rats of juvenile group (20d) were randomly selected, SE + ORS adult group, SE + adult group, SE + ORS larvae group. , 15 rats in the larval SE group and juvenile blood glucose group. Intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride and pilocarpine can induce seizures in rats, and diazepam is given 60 minutes after the seizure. Each ORS group received different doses of modified ORS by oral gavage at 1, 12 and 24 hours after SE. The remaining groups did not receive treatment. Record convulsions, changes in body weight before and after convulsions, and the death of experimental rats. The blood glucose group detected blood glucose 8 hours after SE and sought ways to reduce the mortality of this model.

  Results: (1) After convulsions, the weight of each group decreased, accounting for about 5-8% of the body weight. (2) The lithium chloride-pilocarpine sustained attack model has a high mortality rate, 40.00% in the youth group and 57.14% in the adult group. The death time is concentrated within 24 hours after the attack, and the number of deaths is stable after 72 hours. done. (3) After SE, after ORS solution was administered to the stomach, the blood glucose level of the experimental rats decreased significantly, and the blood glucose level tended to be normal. (4) Within 72 hours after intragastric administration of modified ORS, the mortality rate of young and adult groups was significantly reduced.

  Conclusion: The modified ORS solution after SE can effectively increase the mortality of experimental animals and is an effective way to increase the survival rate.