[Animal Experiment]-Expression of AQP1 and AQP5 in the respiratory membrane of rats with acute lung injury

  Objective: To determine whether aquaporins AQP1 and AQP5 are expressed in rat alveolar-capillary membrane (respiratory membrane), and to study the expression regulation of AQP1 and AQP5 and the effect of hormone intervention on acute lung injury (ALI) rats.

  Method: Use affinity anti-human AQP1 and AQP5 antibodies, immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy to study the distribution of AQP1 and AQP5 in the respiratory membrane. Using lung lipopolysaccharide (LPS), we created a rat ALI animal model to study the changes of AQP1 and AQP5 in the respiratory membrane during ALI.

  Result: By immunostaining, AQP1 is mainly expressed in the microvascular endothelium of normal lung tissue, while AQP5 is mainly expressed in type I alveolar epithelial cells. Immunohistochemical analysis further showed that 4 to 48 hours after LPS perfusion, the expression of AQP1 and AQP5 in the respiratory membrane decreased; 24 hours after LPS perfusion and hormone intervention, AQP1 protein decreased (P\u003c0). Although 05) has been partially recovered, AQP5 has no such recovery.

  Conclusion: The decreased expression of AQP1 and AQP5 in the respiratory membrane during ALI indicates that the decreased expression of AQP1 and AQP5 during ALI may be related to abnormal infusion.