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Mouse experiment reveals that high-fat diet increases the risk of obesity in offspring

Mouse experiment reveals that high-fat diet increases the risk of obesity in offspring

Researchers have discovered that the health effects of poor diet can be passed on to offspring through eggs and sperm cells without DNA mutations...

Mouse study reveals why obesity causes colon cancer

Mouse study reveals why obesity causes colon cancer

Studies have shown that stem cell stimulation may increase the risk of cancer in obese patients...

Mucosal cells may \"injure themselves\" after apoptosis and induce immune and allergic diseases

Mucosal cells may "injure themselves" after apoptosis and induce immune and allergic diseases

Withered petals, it can \"turn into spring mud to protect the flowers.\" However, nature is not all such a virtuous circle. A new Japanese study found that after apoptosis, the mucosal cells of animals may stimulate the immune system to \&q...

A kind of food coloring may help treat brain cancer, new therapeutic drug development is expected

A kind of food coloring may help treat brain cancer, new therapeutic drug development is expected

Japanese researchers recently announced that a red food coloring has been found to be effective in the treatment of malignant glioma through animal experiments. It is expected that new therapeutic drugs will be developed on this basis...

Find the molecular basis of obesity and cancer in animal experiment results

Find the molecular basis of obesity and cancer in animal experiment results

  Obesity is a high risk factor for colorectal cancer. Recent animal experiment results suggest that the underlying basis for this association is that feeding animals with a high-fat diet can increase the number of stem cells in the intestines due to...

Research claims to find the Achilles heel of cancer and kill every cancer cell

Research claims to find the Achilles heel of cancer and kill every cancer cell

British media said that British scientists have accurately found the only Achilles heel of cancer, and that mankind has the hope of setting off a revolution in treatment methods—and even hope of curing cancer...

Transplantation of GDNF gene modified neural stem cells for the treatment of Parkinson\'s disease in rats

Transplantation of GDNF gene modified neural stem cells for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in rats

To investigate the therapeutic effect of neural stem cells (mNSCs) derived from the midbrain of fetal mice at 14-15 days of pregnancy, modified by glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) gene and transplanted into the striatum of Parkinson\'s diseas...

Chairman of the listed company Glory Medical visits Zvast-Bio

Chairman of the listed company Glory Medical visits Zvast-Bio

On December 15, 2020, Liang Guiqiu, the legal person chairman of Shenzhen Shangrong Medical Co., Ltd., visited Jiang Bin, general manager of Zhonghong Boyuan Company, and the two parties had in-depth exchanges on topics related to corporate developme...

Experts crack the genetic code of deadly parasites or help develop vaccines

Experts crack the genetic code of deadly parasites or help develop vaccines

A team composed of experts from the “Academic Research Institute” in Taiwan, the Sanger Genetics Institute in the United Kingdom, and Miyazaki University in Japan has cracked the nematode genome and may help develop vaccines against such parasite fam...

The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is raised to the genetic level

The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is raised to the genetic level

Jīngzhǔn zhěnduàn xìtǒng xìng hóngbān lángchuāng, shì quánqiú yīxué jiè yī dà nàn tí. Rìqián, zhōngnán dàxué xiāng yǎ èr yīyuàn yīxué biǎo guān jīyīnzǔ xué húnán shěng zhòngdiǎn shíyàn shì lù qiánjìn jiàoshòu lǜ yánfā tuánduì, jīng sān nián nǔlì yánf...

Edit stem cell therapy may treat blindness

Edit stem cell therapy may treat blindness

Recently, in a research paper published in the international journal Scientific Reports, researchers from Columbia University and others have used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology to successfully correct the blindness-causing genetic mutations in...

Latest study found that 22 types of cancer are genetic diseases

Latest study found that 22 types of cancer are genetic diseases

According to the results of this large study, approximately one-third of cancers are inherited. The highest family genetic risks include prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and bowel cancer...

Effects of Xueshuantong Capsules on Acute Myocardial Ischemia and Thrombosis

Effects of Xueshuantong Capsules on Acute Myocardial Ischemia and Thrombosis

To study the protective and antithrombotic effects of Xueshuantong Capsules on acute myocardial ischemia model rats caused by coronary artery ligation...

Scientists discover new breast cancer metastasis suppressor gene

Scientists discover new breast cancer metastasis suppressor gene

Recently, researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have identified a gene that plays a role in the development of breast cancer to metastatic disease. It can help predict the progression of the disease and serve as a target for futu...

Research progress of new anti-Ebola virus disease targets

Research progress of new anti-Ebola virus disease targets

Ebola virus disease is an acute hemorrhagic infectious disease caused by Ebola virus (EBOV) of the filoviridae family. Is one of the deadliest viral infectious diseases of mankind...

Research shows that aging may be treated with drugs

Research shows that aging may be treated with drugs

Aging is an irreversible natural law. This is a common view. However, a team of scientists in the United States believes that aging is a disease and is looking for drugs that can cure aging....
