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[Animal Model]-Model of liver cirrhosis induced by common bile duct ligation

[Animal Model]-Model of liver cirrhosis induced by common bile duct ligation

Reproductive method Anesthetize adult rats by performing a midline incision in the abdominal area of the umbilicus, and suture the common bile duct with 7-0 silk suture at 1 cm from the hepatic hilum. It will be stored for 2-8 weeks after the operati...

How to prepare animal models of chemical-induced liver cirrhosis?

How to prepare animal models of chemical-induced liver cirrhosis?

Replication method Adult male rats are injected intraperitoneally with 0.5% dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA) at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight once a day for 4 weeks 3 days a week...

[Animal model]-Total parenteral nutrition induces fatty liver model (TPN)

[Animal model]-Total parenteral nutrition induces fatty liver model (TPN)

Reproduction method Anesthetize adult rats with ether, insert a 0.9mm silicone tube into the internal jugular vein, fix the catheter subcutaneously at the back of the neck, and connect it to a computer infusion pump...

【Animal model】-special strain animal fatty liver model

【Animal model】-special strain animal fatty liver model

Replication method PEPCK-nSREBP-1a mice are artificially cultured transgenic mice that develop transient fatty livers after birth, and can regenerate fatty livers through low-sugar and high-protein diets after weaning...

【Animal Modeling】-Alcohol Gavage Model

【Animal Modeling】-Alcohol Gavage Model

Breeding method: Feed adult male Wistar rats according to conventional standards, change the drinking water to 10% ethanol beverage, and give 50% ethanol 10 ml/kg body weight twice a day (at 12 hours interval) twice a day for 14 consecutive weeks...

How to prepare the ethanol gavage plus high-fat feeding model?

How to prepare the ethanol gavage plus high-fat feeding model?

Replication method Adult rats were fed with a high-fat diet (1% cholesterol and 5% lard based on a low-fat diet) after normal feeding for 1 week, and 60ml ethanol 1.5ml/kg body weight was added at the same time at the end of the experiment. Feed the ...

How to prepare an animal model of mechanically expandable IBS?

How to prepare an animal model of mechanically expandable IBS?

Replication method 8 days old Wistar rats, using angioplasty (PTCA) balloon (3.0 mm x 20 mm) for colon stimulation (CI), 1 minute/time, 2 times a day (interval 30 minutes), 1 week The sac pressure was 4 kPa (30 mmHg) (weak stimulation pressure), 6 kP...

How to prepare an animal model of IBS stimulated by ice water?

How to prepare an animal model of IBS stimulated by ice water?

Replication method Take 2 ml of normal saline orally in a two-week-old rat weighing 120-150 g at 0-4°C once a day for 14 consecutive days...

How to prepare an animal model of intestinal adhesions?

How to prepare an animal model of intestinal adhesions?

Reproduction method: anesthetize adult rats by intraperitoneal injection of 40 mg/kg body weight of sodium pentobarbital, fast for 12-16 hours without drinking water, fix the back on the operating table, and remove the hair regularly...

How to prepare an animal model of ulcerative colitis induced by Oxazolone?

How to prepare an animal model of ulcerative colitis induced by Oxazolone?

Breeding method BALB/c mice, 7-8 weeks old, weighing 25-30g, shaved abdominal skin (2cm x 2cm), 0.2ml 3% oxazolone (dissolved in 100% ethanol) skin, once every other day Repeat for 5 days, insert a 2 mm diameter silicone tube through the anus into th...

How was the animal model of ulcerative colitis induced by dinitrochlorobenzene prepared?

How was the animal model of ulcerative colitis induced by dinitrochlorobenzene prepared?

Replication method In adult male BALB/c mice, cut abdominal hair (without damage to the skin) into approximately 2.0 cm x 1.5 cm and 3.3% 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) acetone olive oil. Solution (1:1 ratio) abdominal smear, once a day, 50μl a day,...

How to prepare an animal model of Crohn disease?

How to prepare an animal model of Crohn disease?

Replication method: Adult rats fasted for 48 hours were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital, a newborn gastric tube was inserted to a depth of about 8 cm, and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (2, 4,6-trinitrobenzene) Benzen...

How to prepare an animal model of appendicitis?

How to prepare an animal model of appendicitis?

Reproduction method After anesthesia, the adult rat is fixed, the abdomen is opened under aseptic conditions, the intestine connected with the appendix, terminal ileum and appendix mesentery (hereinafter referred to as the adjacent intestine) is take...

How to prepare an animal model of stress duodenal ulcer?

How to prepare an animal model of stress duodenal ulcer?

Breeding method Adult rats fasted in water for 16 hours were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital, fixed, and then covered with electric clippers to cover a slightly wider area than the burned site...

How to prepare animal model of chronic gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid cautery method?

How to prepare animal model of chronic gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid cautery method?

Reproduction method Anesthetize adult rats with sodium pentobarbital, incise the abdomen in the supine position, and inject 0.01 to 0.05ml of 20% to 100% acetic acid into the anterior wall of the gastric antrum with a 0.01ml tuberculin syringe...

How to prepare an animal model of acute gastric ulcer induced by pyloric ligation?

How to prepare an animal model of acute gastric ulcer induced by pyloric ligation?

Replication method Adult rats, fasted and fed water for 48 hours, anesthetized with ether, incised the abdominal wall to expose the stomach, pull the stomach out of the abdominal cavity with blunt forceps, and suture the junction of the pylorus and d...
