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How to prepare animal models of leukocyte disease?

How to prepare animal models of leukocyte disease?

Attenuation studies used to study the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs usually require the establishment of animal models of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia and myelopenia...

How to prepare an animal model of aplastic anemia?

How to prepare an animal model of aplastic anemia?

Clinically, aplastic anemia (AA) is a group of hematopoietic tissue failure syndromes. Most patients are middle-aged and the prognosis of acute cases is poor...

How to prepare an animal model of hemolytic anemia?

How to prepare an animal model of hemolytic anemia?

Hemolytic anemia is a group of anemias that occurs when the destruction of red blood cells increases and the speed exceeds the compensatory capacity of hematopoietic function. When the average life span of red blood cells is 15 to 20 days, and the de...

How to prepare animal model of hemorrhagic anemia?

How to prepare animal model of hemorrhagic anemia?

Blood loss is one of the most common causes of anemia in the body and is clinically divided into acute and chronic. Chronic blood loss often causes iron deficiency anemia. Anemia caused by blood vessel rupture or poor hemostatic mechanism caused by t...

How to prepare animal models of hypertrophic scars and keloids?

How to prepare animal models of hypertrophic scars and keloids?

The normal healing of human and animal skin injury ends in leaving small and superficial scars. Hypertrophic scars (HS) and keloids are only found in humans and can cause changes in appearance and dysfunction....

How to prepare a skin allergy animal model?

How to prepare a skin allergy animal model?

Breeding methods: White guinea pigs weighing 200 to 250 g and 4 to 5 weeks old are sensitized on the 1st and 8th days, and challenged on the 15th day...

How to prepare animal models of myositis?

How to prepare animal models of myositis?

Polymyositis is a common autoimmune disease in neuromuscular diseases,Abnormal cellular and humoral immunity play an important role in the destruction of muscle tissue...

How to prepare a frostbite animal model?

How to prepare a frostbite animal model?

Frostbite is a symptom of damage to certain parts of the body that are affected by a cold. The freezing method includes immersing rabbit feet in -25°C, freezing with 80% to 95% ethanol, and freezing rabbit ears with solid carbon dioxide...

How to prepare an electric burn animal model?

How to prepare an electric burn animal model?

Human body electric burns are mainly high-voltage electric burns. High-voltage electrical injuries are not only different from ordinary burns in the nature and scope of local wounds, but also increase the complexity of condition determination and loc...

Small pig scald model-【animal modeling】

Small pig scald model-【animal modeling】

Feeding methods Before the experiment, the miniature pigs were fasted for 12 hours. After anesthesia, 0.7 g/kg body weight of 50 g/L thiopental sodium was injected intraperitoneally in a 40 cm×25 cm area to shave the hair...

How to prepare an animal model of cervical spine mechanical imbalance?

How to prepare an animal model of cervical spine mechanical imbalance?

Copy method After cutting and washing the rabbit’s neck, anesthetize with intramuscular ketamine at a dose of 0.1 g/kg body weight...

How to make a nerve root animal model?

How to make a nerve root animal model?

Mechanical compression of the nerve root is not directly related to the development of the disease. Inflammation, nutritional disorders and impaired nerve root conduction properties may be equally important...

How to prepare the animal model of the third lumbar transverse process syndrome?

How to prepare the animal model of the third lumbar transverse process syndrome?

Transverse process syndrome of the third lumbar vertebra is a common disease in human clinical orthopedics. The disease is mainly caused by the posterolateral branch of the second lumbar nerve passing through the dorsal side of the transverse process...

How to prepare an animal model of vertebral body osteotomy to correct kyphosis?

How to prepare an animal model of vertebral body osteotomy to correct kyphosis?

Reproduction method Anesthetize the rat by intraperitoneal injection of 1% sodium barbiturate at 30 mg/kg body weight, and project the animal from the spine stereotaxic device to remove the skull and transverse processes on both sides of T11-L4...

How to prepare an animal model of vertebral artery compression?

How to prepare an animal model of vertebral artery compression?

Vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine involving the vertebral artery, causing ischemia of the cerebellum and brainstem...

How to prepare the animal model of Peerster disease?

How to prepare the animal model of Peerster disease?

Perthes disease refers to avascular necrosis of the femoral head in children, which is caused by partial or complete necrosis of the femoral skull physi due to impaired blood flow in the femoral head...
