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【Animal Modeling】-High-fat and high-salt diet induces hypertension in Bama mini-pigs

【Animal Modeling】-High-fat and high-salt diet induces hypertension in Bama mini-pigs

How to establish a high-fat and high-salt diet Pamani Buda hypertension model and explore its possible causes?...

【Animal Modeling】-Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Model

【Animal Modeling】-Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Model

Carry out a comprehensive evaluation to improve the preparation of the rat acute myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MI/RI) model, and lay a good model foundation for the subsequent MI/RI research...

【Animal Modeling】-Chronic gastrointestinal mucosal injury tree shrew model

【Animal Modeling】-Chronic gastrointestinal mucosal injury tree shrew model

To explore the feasibility of establishing an animal model of chronic gastrointestinal mucosal injury in tree shrews...

[Animal Modeling]-Ermidine in the pulmonary hypertension model

[Animal Modeling]-Ermidine in the pulmonary hypertension model

To explore the preventive and therapeutic effects of anitidine (DIZE) on pulmonary hypertension (PAH) model rats...

【Animal Modeling】-Dual Fluorescence Labeled Orthotopic Glioblastoma Model

【Animal Modeling】-Dual Fluorescence Labeled Orthotopic Glioblastoma Model

Establish a stable, real-time and monitorable nude mouse model of glioma allograft...

【Animal Modeling】-Alzheimer\'s disease transgenic model

【Animal Modeling】-Alzheimer's disease transgenic model

Tg2576 transgenic mice showed pathological changes similar to Alzheimer\'s disease (AD)...

【Animal Modeling】-A model of acute liver failure after hepatectomy in 85% of Bama mini-pigs

【Animal Modeling】-A model of acute liver failure after hepatectomy in 85% of Bama mini-pigs

Explore the effect of different proportions of hepatectomy volume on acute liver failure in Bama mini-pigs, and provide a suitable method for establishing a suitable model of acute liver failure after most hepatectomy in mini-pig...

【Animal modeling】-EV71 virus infection model of tree shrew primary renal epithelial cells

【Animal modeling】-EV71 virus infection model of tree shrew primary renal epithelial cells

Establishment of a tree shrew primary kidney cell EV71 infection model...

【Animal Modeling】-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction canine thrombolytic therapy

【Animal Modeling】-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction canine thrombolytic therapy

Thrombolytic therapy is essential to alleviate ST-segment elevation (STEMI), which accounts for 25%-40% of myocardial infarction cases...

[Animal Modeling]-A mouse model of drug-resistant Candida albicans diffuse infection

[Animal Modeling]-A mouse model of drug-resistant Candida albicans diffuse infection

Establishment of a mouse model of diffuse infection of drug-resistant Candida albicans for new drug screening...

【Animal Modeling】-Moderate and severe sepsis long-term survival rat model

【Animal Modeling】-Moderate and severe sepsis long-term survival rat model

Establish a long-term survival rat model of mid-to-severe sepsis, observe the natural course of sepsis, and provide new ideas and methods for the study of sepsis...

【Animal Modeling】-Middle Cerebral Artery Embolism Cerebral Infarction Model

【Animal Modeling】-Middle Cerebral Artery Embolism Cerebral Infarction Model

To explore the feasibility of using laser Doppler blood flow monitoring technology to make a stable rat model of middle cerebral artery embolism and cerebral infarction...

【Animal Modeling】-Transgenic mouse model

【Animal Modeling】-Transgenic mouse model

Observe the expression of Pin1 in the skin and construct a transgenic mouse model that can induce the expression of Pin1 in the skin...

【Animal Modeling】-Female Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model

【Animal Modeling】-Female Type 2 Diabetic Rat Model

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. The rat model of type 1 diabetes has been widely used by vision scientists to analyze the molecular mechanisms related to diabetic retinopathy...

【Animal Modeling】-Glaucoma Animal Model

【Animal Modeling】-Glaucoma Animal Model

Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC)...

【Animal Modeling】-Retinitis Pigmentosa Primate Model

【Animal Modeling】-Retinitis Pigmentosa Primate Model

Recently, researchers have reported the successful transplantation of retinal tissue derived from human embryonic stem cells in a primate model of retinitis pigmentosa. Retinitis pigmentosa is a hereditary eye disease with few treatment options....
