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【Animal Modeling】-How to use the seasonal influenza virus H3N2 mouse-adapted strain to establish a mouse model?

【Animal Modeling】-How to use the seasonal influenza virus H3N2 mouse-adapted strain to establish a mouse model?

Use the mouse-adapted strain of seasonal influenza virus H3N2 to establish a mouse model and explain the pathogenic molecular mechanism of the adapted strain?...

【Animal Modeling】-Why establish a metabolic profile model of liver tissue in rats with chronic heart failure?

【Animal Modeling】-Why establish a metabolic profile model of liver tissue in rats with chronic heart failure?

Establish a metabolic characteristic model of liver tissue in chronic heart failure rats, study the changes in liver metabolism of chronic heart failure from the perspective of metabolism, explore valuable metabolites in the molecular mechanisms of h...

【Animal Modeling】-Study on the coagulation function of rat sepsis model

【Animal Modeling】-Study on the coagulation function of rat sepsis model

How to study the changes in blood coagulation function of septic rats caused by pus puncture (CLP)?...

【Animal Modeling】-Ear hypertrophic scar

【Animal Modeling】-Ear hypertrophic scar

After dermal tissue injury, abnormal extracellular matrix deposition and remodeling, especially collagen, can cause hypertrophic scars...

【Animal Modeling】- Rat model of hyperuricemia and its complications

【Animal Modeling】- Rat model of hyperuricemia and its complications

Establish a stable and efficient model of liver and kidney damage, severe arthritis and other complications in hyperuricemia rats...

【Animal Modeling】-Isolation and identification of Japanese encephalitis virus in small pigs for experiment

【Animal Modeling】-Isolation and identification of Japanese encephalitis virus in small pigs for experiment

To understand the characteristics of Japanese encephalitis virus strains in miniature pigs...

[Animal Modeling]-Evaluation of the test results of the detection ability of esterase-1 in the serum of experimental mice

[Animal Modeling]-Evaluation of the test results of the detection ability of esterase-1 in the serum of experimental mice

Through the detection and comparison of the esterase-1 item in the serum of experimental mice, to promote the national laboratory animal quality testing laboratories to strengthen quality control management and improve testing capabilities...

[Animal Modeling]-Form perception deprives tree shrews of the plasticity of the 17 areas of the visual cortex

[Animal Modeling]-Form perception deprives tree shrews of the plasticity of the 17 areas of the visual cortex

To explore the feasibility analysis of tree shrew as a new model of amblyopia; explore the plasticity mechanism of form deprivation of tree shrew\'s primary visual cortex, and provide a theoretical basis for further understanding of the formation and...

【Animal Modeling】-Characterization of APP gene in tree shrew and identification of alternative spliceotype

【Animal Modeling】-Characterization of APP gene in tree shrew and identification of alternative spliceotype

To distinguish and identify multiple alternative spliceosomes of APP gene mRNA in tree shrews, describe the characteristics of APP gene, and determine its expression distribution in various tissues...

【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of Dugesia ZB-1 asexual reproduction line of Dugesia japonica

【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of Dugesia ZB-1 asexual reproduction line of Dugesia japonica

Establish a pure strain of Dugesia japonicus from my country for asexual reproduction...

[Animal Modeling]-Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of SPF Large White Pigs and Landrace Pigs

[Animal Modeling]-Analysis of Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of SPF Large White Pigs and Landrace Pigs

To study and analyze the reproductive physiology, blood physiology and biochemical characteristics of SPF large white pigs and Landrace pigs...

【Animal Modeling】-Improved method of locating the supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus in rats

【Animal Modeling】-Improved method of locating the supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus in rats

Modified rat stereotactic oblique puncture method...

【Animal Modeling】-Dynamic Histological Observation of the Development of the Mandibular First Molar in ICR Mice

【Animal Modeling】-Dynamic Histological Observation of the Development of the Mandibular First Molar in ICR Mice

To understand the developmental characteristics of the tooth germ of the first mandibular molar in ICR mice, and to provide an experimental basis for the use of mice to study the mechanism of tooth development and related influencing factors...

【Animal Modeling】-The influence of mother-infant separation stress on the behavior of rd newborn mice

【Animal Modeling】-The influence of mother-infant separation stress on the behavior of rd newborn mice

rd mice are genetic retinal degeneration mice that spontaneously cause blindness at about 1 week of birth. The mother-infant separation stress experiment was used to detect its effect on the anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors of rd newborn mi...

【Animal Modeling】-Comparison of organ index and hypoxia-related genes between Juma pig and Bama mini pig

【Animal Modeling】-Comparison of organ index and hypoxia-related genes between Juma pig and Bama mini pig

To study the difference in organ index and hypoxia-related gene expression between Potentilla and Bama miniature pigs...

【Animal Modeling】-Measurement and analysis of biological characteristics of mice and their offspring obtained after C57BL/6J mouse freeze-thaw embryo transfer

【Animal Modeling】-Measurement and analysis of biological characteristics of mice and their offspring obtained after C57BL/6J mouse freeze-thaw embryo transfer

To investigate the changes in the average body growth and blood biochemical characteristics of the C57BL/6J (B6) mice after cryo-thawed embryo transfer...
