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【Animal Modeling】-Cerulein-induced pancreatitis animal model

【Animal Modeling】-Cerulein-induced pancreatitis animal model

Caerulein is an analog of cholecystokinin (CCK). Cholecystokinin is a polypeptide hormone composed of 33 amino acids. Its main physiological function is to stimulate the contraction of the gallbladder and the relaxation of the Oddi sphincter, promote...

[Animal Modeling]-Lateral hydraulic shock brain injury model

[Animal Modeling]-Lateral hydraulic shock brain injury model

The lateral hydraulic shock brain injury model involves the rapid injection of a certain amount of normal saline into the cranial cavity, causing deformation and displacement of the brain tissue...

【Animal Modeling】-Induced pancreatic cancer animal model

【Animal Modeling】-Induced pancreatic cancer animal model

Pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor with a poor prognosis. Pancreatic cancer is insidious, difficult to diagnose early, and is prone to liver metastasis, peritoneal spread or local recurrence, and insensitivity to chemotherapy drugs...

Humanized mouse model of hepatitis B

Humanized mouse model of hepatitis B

The researchers transplanted human liver cells into immunodeficient mice and allowed them to grow in the mice, gradually forming a human-mouse chimeric liver. In this animal model, HBV can survive in human liver cells and be humanized, mouse hepatiti...

【Animal Modeling】-animal model of alcoholic liver cirrhosis

【Animal Modeling】-animal model of alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Acetaldehyde is an intermediate metabolite of ethanol, which directly damages the liver and converts coenzyme I (NAD) into reduced coenzyme I (NADH) in the liver, thereby reducing the ratio of NAD/NADH. It inhibits the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and t...

【Animal Modeling】-Cholestatic Liver Cirrhosis Animal Model

【Animal Modeling】-Cholestatic Liver Cirrhosis Animal Model

By blocking the bile duct or injecting sclerosing agent, the extrahepatic bile duct is artificially blocked, causing the bile duct to expand above the blocked site, cholestasis, and increasing the pressure of the bile duct. I will. Intrahepatic blood...

[Animal Modeling]-Nutritional Fatty Liver Model

[Animal Modeling]-Nutritional Fatty Liver Model

Methionine-choline deficiency (MCD) diets are commonly used to induce classic NAFLD animal models. MCD diet is rich in carbohydrates (40%) and fat (10%), but lacks methionine and choline, which are involved in the oxidation of fatty acid β in liver c...

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral Evaluation Method of Alzheimer\\

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral Evaluation Method of Alzheimer

The benchmark behavior evaluation of the learning and memory abilities of rodent AD models was mainly tested in the Morris water maze experimental system....

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral Evaluation Method of Parkinson\\

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral Evaluation Method of Parkinson

Kawai\\\'s test method is to create a 30 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm plexiglass box with a 6 cm x 6 cm grid engraved on the bottom, and test in a quiet low light environment. After allowing the animal to adapt to the environment for 10 minutes, calculate the ...

【Animal Modeling】-Making and behavioral evaluation of free-falling blow model of mouse brain injury

【Animal Modeling】-Making and behavioral evaluation of free-falling blow model of mouse brain injury

With the development of the transportation and construction industry, the emergence of accidents and natural disasters, the incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is gradually increasing. Traumatic brain injury ranks first among the causes of deat...

【Animal Modeling】-Implanted Liver Cancer Animal Model

【Animal Modeling】-Implanted Liver Cancer Animal Model

Liver cancer model formed by transplanting animal or human liver cancer tissues, cell lines and other malignant tumors into animals...

【Animal Modeling】-Fatty Liver Compound Model

【Animal Modeling】-Fatty Liver Compound Model

ApoE- can create ob/ob mice + MCD diet, db/db mice + MCD diet, Abcb11 mice + MCD diet and other animal models by combining genetic modification and nutritional factors according to the rules of human NAFLD. /-Mouse + HFD, PPARa-/-mouse + MCD diet, et...

[Animal Modeling]-Spontaneous fatty liver animal model

[Animal Modeling]-Spontaneous fatty liver animal model

Key gene mutations in fat metabolism in liver cells can cause abnormal fat metabolism and disrupt the balance of fat input/output in the liver...

【Animal model】-Induced gastric cancer animal model

【Animal model】-Induced gastric cancer animal model

Generally, methylnitrosonitroguanidine (N-methyl-N\\\'-nitrosonitroguanidine, MNNG) and methylcholestene (MC) are used. MNNG is a kind of polycyclic hydrocarbon, which has a strong carcinogenic effect and can cause the production of nitric oxide in t...

【Animal modeling】-Duodenal ulcer model caused by cysteamine

【Animal modeling】-Duodenal ulcer model caused by cysteamine

Cysteamine, also known as β-mercaptoethylamine, can specifically consume the body\\\'s somatostatin. It is also called a somatostatin depletion agent. D-cell damage to the duodenal mucosa may be one of the targets of the selective action of cysteamin...

[Animal modeling]-Thioacetamide (TAA) induced liver fibrosis model

[Animal modeling]-Thioacetamide (TAA) induced liver fibrosis model

Replication method Adult rats are injected intraperitoneally with 100 mg/kg body weight of thioacetamide (TAA), the initial dose is doubled, and then every other week for 13 weeks...
