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【Animal Modeling】-BAMBI Differential Expression in Different Types of Adipose Tissue Development and Adipocyte Differentiation in Mice

【Animal Modeling】-BAMBI Differential Expression in Different Types of Adipose Tissue Development and Adipocyte Differentiation in Mice

To study the expression of BAMBI gene during the development of different fat tissues in mice...

【Animal Modeling】-Preparation of Mouse ZP2 Antibody and Study on Its Immunological Activity

【Animal Modeling】-Preparation of Mouse ZP2 Antibody and Study on Its Immunological Activity

To prepare anti-mouse ZP2 (mZP2) antibody and study the immune activity of antiserum...

【Animal Modeling】-Differential expression of miRNA in myocardial tissue of rats with endotoxemia

【Animal Modeling】-Differential expression of miRNA in myocardial tissue of rats with endotoxemia

To analyze the changes of miRNA expression profile in myocardial tissue of rats with endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)emia, and to explore the role of miRNA in endotoxemia myocardial injury...

【Animal Modeling】-Using multiple fluorescent STR technology to analyze the genetic characteristics of the nucleus of 7 strains of commonly used inbred mice in Shanghai

【Animal Modeling】-Using multiple fluorescent STR technology to analyze the genetic characteristics of the nucleus of 7 strains of commonly used inbred mice in Shanghai

Comparing the genetic characteristics of the nucleus group of 7 commonly used inbred strains in Shanghai...

【Animal Modeling】-Isolation, culture and identification of hepatic stellate cells of gerbils

【Animal Modeling】-Isolation, culture and identification of hepatic stellate cells of gerbils

To explore a stable and economical method for the isolation and culture of hepatic stellate cells in Mongolian gerbils, and to provide technical support for the in-depth study of the cellular mechanism of liver fibrosis in Mongolian gerbils...

【Animal Modeling】-Construction and identification of expression vector for targeted regulation of rat hippocampus CNN3 gene

【Animal Modeling】-Construction and identification of expression vector for targeted regulation of rat hippocampus CNN3 gene

To establish a technology that can regulate the expression of CNN3 gene in local brain regions of rats, and lay the foundation for further research on the involvement of CNN3 gene in the pathophysiological process in the brain...

【Animal Modeling】-Necrotic cells reverse the imbalance of Treg/Th17 ratio in septic mice

【Animal Modeling】-Necrotic cells reverse the imbalance of Treg/Th17 ratio in septic mice

To study the effect of pre-infusion of necrotic cells on the balance of Treg/Th17 cells in a mouse model of sepsis...

【Animal Modeling】-Tail-hanged mice infected with space-mutated Escherichia coli inflammatory response enhanced

【Animal Modeling】-Tail-hanged mice infected with space-mutated Escherichia coli inflammatory response enhanced

To observe the changes of inflammatory response after space-mutated E. coli infected tail-hanging mice with simulated weightlessness...

[Animal modeling]-Pathological analysis of artificially induced tree shrew breast tumors

[Animal modeling]-Pathological analysis of artificially induced tree shrew breast tumors

To establish a tree shrew breast tumor model...

【Animal modeling】-Expression changes of dendritic cell surface factors in lung tissue of COPD rats and the intervention effect of CCL20 antibody

【Animal modeling】-Expression changes of dendritic cell surface factors in lung tissue of COPD rats and the intervention effect of CCL20 antibody

Understand the expression changes of dendritic cell surface factors OX62 and CD83 in the lungs of COPD rats, and explore the intervention effect of CCL20 antibody...

【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of genetic identification method for mouse frozen embryo and sperm SNP

【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of genetic identification method for mouse frozen embryo and sperm SNP

To establish a SNP typing method for frozen embryos and sperm in mice, which can be used for rapid genetic identification of frozen embryos and sperm...

[Animal modeling]-Background data of growth and development parameters and behavioral characteristics of young rhesus monkeys after birth

[Animal modeling]-Background data of growth and development parameters and behavioral characteristics of young rhesus monkeys after birth

To study the growth and development characteristics and neurobehavioral characteristics of young rhesus monkeys 12 months after birth, and establish background reference data for growth and development parameters...

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral performance of two strains of rats in classical conditioning and operational conditioning

[Animal Modeling]-Behavioral performance of two strains of rats in classical conditioning and operational conditioning

To explore the differences in behavioral performance between SD and Wistar strains of rats in classical conditioning and operational conditioning, and to provide a basis for experimental animal selection for studying the advanced functions of the bra...

[Animal Modeling]-Evaluation of laboratory test results of malic enzyme-1 and isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 in the kidney homogenate of experimental mice

[Animal Modeling]-Evaluation of laboratory test results of malic enzyme-1 and isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 in the kidney homogenate of experimental mice

To understand the testing capabilities of laboratory animal testing institutions and improve the quality of laboratory animals through the testing capability verification program for malic enzyme-1 and isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 in experimental mouse...

【Animal Modeling】-Study on Antioxidant Protective Effect of Ground Turtle Peptide on CC14-induced Chronic Liver Injury in Mice

【Animal Modeling】-Study on Antioxidant Protective Effect of Ground Turtle Peptide on CC14-induced Chronic Liver Injury in Mice

To study the anti-oxidant protective effect of aquatic turtle peptide on CC14-induced chronic liver injury in mice...

【Animal Modeling】-Lithium chloride compound calcium phosphate cement can promote the repair of tibia bone defect in rats

【Animal Modeling】-Lithium chloride compound calcium phosphate cement can promote the repair of tibia bone defect in rats

Observe the effects of calcium phosphate cement (CPC) and lithium chloride composite calcium phosphate cement (Li/CPC) on fracture healing in SD rats...
