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[Disease animal model]-Mouse model of myocarditis caused by Coxsackie virus infection

[Disease animal model]-Mouse model of myocarditis caused by Coxsackie virus infection

Using inbred mice weighing 18 to 20 g and 4 to 6 weeks old, 0.2 ml of Coxsackie B3m virus (CVB3m, Nancy strain) solution was injected into the abdominal cavity of the mice, causing severe viruses...

【Disease Animal Model】-Miniature Pig Type 2 Diabetes Model

【Disease Animal Model】-Miniature Pig Type 2 Diabetes Model

The incidence of type 2 diabetes and its complications (especially cardiovascular disease) is on the rise globally...

【Disease Animal Model】-Miniature Pig Type 1 Diabetes Model

【Disease Animal Model】-Miniature Pig Type 1 Diabetes Model

Pigs do not have spontaneous type 1 diabetes, which must be triggered by surgery or chemicals. Pancreatectomy has many disadvantages, including surgical trauma, and is not the first choice for establishing type 1 diabetes models...

【Disease animal model】-Repair of bone defect around implant in mini-pig

【Disease animal model】-Repair of bone defect around implant in mini-pig

Implant restoration is becoming more and more widespread in clinical practice, but it usually involves excessive absorption of alveolar bone after tooth loss due to trauma, tumor, periodontal disease, etc., resulting in insufficient bone mass and imp...

[Disease animal model]-Mini-pig bilateral mandibular ascending ramus vertical osteotomy

[Disease animal model]-Mini-pig bilateral mandibular ascending ramus vertical osteotomy

Orthognathic surgery and experimental animal research of the temporomandibular joint is an animal model that simulates various orthognathic surgery operations of the human body and observes the postoperative morphological and functional changes of th...

【Animal Modeling】-Miniature Pig Alveolar Cleft Model

【Animal Modeling】-Miniature Pig Alveolar Cleft Model

Cleft lip patients often have alveolar cr malformations. As part of the continuous treatment of cleft lip and pa cleft, they have successfully restored the alveolar cr malformations....

Miniature pig cleft palate model

Miniature pig cleft palate model

Cleft palate is a common congenital disease. At present, the repair of soft and hard tissue defects and the restoration of the anatomical structure of cleft cleft play an important role in the treatment of left cleft...

【Animal Model of Disease】-Animal Model of Cold and Heat Syndrome

【Animal Model of Disease】-Animal Model of Cold and Heat Syndrome

Cold and heat are two guidelines for distinguishing the nature of diseases. Cold syndrom is mostly caused by exogenous yin and cold, or chronic internal injury, yang depletion, and yin evil. Heat syndrome is mostly caused by exogenous yin and cold. T...

[Disease animal model]-Febrile disease animal model

[Disease animal model]-Febrile disease animal model

Warmdisease is an external disease caused by pathogenic fever and fever, which can easily reduce dryness and shadows, mainly health, qi, yin, blood, triple burn syndrome and damp-heat syndrome...

【Animal Model of Disease】-Animal Model of Blood Deficiency Syndrome

【Animal Model of Disease】-Animal Model of Blood Deficiency Syndrome

Blood deficiency syndrome is caused by excessive blood loss; or weakness of the spleen and stomach, insufficient biochemistry; or excessive seven emotions, dark consumption of yin and blood; or improper medication...

[Disease animal model]-chemically induced squamous cell carcinoma model

[Disease animal model]-chemically induced squamous cell carcinoma model

4-nitro-winolin-1-oxide (4NQO) is a precursor carcinogen that passes 4NQO in the body...

【Disease Animal Model】-Genetically Modified Melanoma Model

【Disease Animal Model】-Genetically Modified Melanoma Model

The mechanism of melanoma transgenic animal models is similar to that of other transgenic animal models...

【Disease animal model】-induced melanoma model

【Disease animal model】-induced melanoma model

Depending on the specific genetic background, some species may develop melanoma lesions induced by ultraviolet light...

【Disease animal model】-Gene modified animal model of atopic dermatitis

【Disease animal model】-Gene modified animal model of atopic dermatitis

Genetically modified mice are very valuable tools in determining the physiological functions of specific genes and proteins and their roles in disease states. Different genetically modified mice show the characteristics of diseases from their own per...

[Disease animal model]-Spontaneous atopic dermatitis animal model

[Disease animal model]-Spontaneous atopic dermatitis animal model

The c/Nga mouse is a kind of famous Japanese dog, which was successfully bred by Koji Kondo of Nagoya University in 1957....

[Disease animal model]-Chronic high intraocular pressure glaucoma disease animal model

[Disease animal model]-Chronic high intraocular pressure glaucoma disease animal model

Glaucoma is a group of diseases characterized by suppression of optic nerve atrophy and visual field defects. Increased intraocular pressure is currently considered to be the main risk factor for glaucoma...
